The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

Pretty good tbh, playing alien maxed out at 1080p with no drop in frames

Bf4 mixture of high to ultra with similar results

Wouldnt mind dropping them for a 970 though

Been thinking the same tbh

I'm giving them a miss, dont like the idea of coil whine. Save your upgrades for 6 months or so if your cards are working fine.
I have an i5 2500k @ 4.5ghz what would be my best bang for buck upgrade cpu wise or will I be fine for a while yet?

You should be fine for a couple of years until we see start seeing games using the UT4 engine. But then again a lot of the games using UT4 are being released on console so if they can handle it so should a 2500k.
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Intel i7 3770 3,4 GHz
AMD FX-8350 4 GHz

I.. these two CPu's aren't exactly close in terms of performance are they. Why would an i7 be recommended at all? It holds virtually nothing better for gaming than an i5.

Depends on how they've coded it. I'm presuming the game will be optimized to take advantage of 8+ threads, considering consoles and whatnot. It makes sense. And looking at those screenies above... gonna need all the cpu horsepower you can muster
What you also have to remember is with W2 they had the "Uber" sampling that pushed the top end requirements up.

I doubt you'll need much to max everything out, just you'd need cutting edge to get every last ounce out of their engine.
So I've just seen the minimum required specs for Witcher 3 and decided my 4 year old setup need an upgrade as I want to run this game smoothly, been thinking of upgrading my CPU/GPU/Motherboard and maybe RAM to do this. Been thinking of a i5-4690K and 970 combo.

Any Ideas?
Games that have delays in my experience tend to be the games with the problems.

Watchdogs anyone?

Really? I'd have thought that the year just gone has proved the direct opposite is true, that games that are rushed are the ones that have problems. To name a few from last year: Drive Club, Halo Collection, Assassin's Creed Unity, Destiny. I'm sure there are plenty more I'm forgetting and there are obviously examples from previous years too.
yeah if theres a developer is place my bets on delivering its CD Projekt Red, they delay their game because they have standards and a loyal fanbase
Battlefield 4, Mass Effect 3, Dragon age 2, Sim City, Rome: Total War 2, Diablo 3 etc, etc, etc.

We have been getting under developed games for too long now due to greedy publishers or PC games being terrible console ports, it’s actually nice when a company comes out and says ‘sorry we are not happy with it yet, you’ll have to wait’.

I trust that they will get it right, but even if they don’t it’s still better than them just going ‘times up, release it whatever state its in’. Its why CD Project Red are one of the very few company's I will still pre order anything from.
Battlefield 4, Mass Effect 3, Dragon age 2, Sim City, Rome: Total War 2, Diablo 3 etc, etc, etc.

We have been getting under developed games for too long now due to greedy publishers or PC games being terrible console ports, it’s actually nice when a company comes out and says ‘sorry we are not happy with it yet, you’ll have to wait’.

I trust that they will get it right, but even if they don’t it’s still better than them just going ‘times up, release it whatever state its in’. Its why CD Project Red are one of the very few company's I will still pre order anything from.

Completely agree, there is this culture of 'let's just release the game and promise patches to fix problems and dlc to increase content'. I'd much rather wait another two or three months (or more) and get a proper finished game. Much the same as with Batman Arkham Knight. I'm willing to bet that both that and Witcher 3 will be excellent games, because I trust both developers to use the extra time to deliver.

Having said that, I do wish developers and publishers would just hold off on announcing a release date until they are 100% sure a game will be ready for that date. Much like what Hideo Kojima has done with MGS5. He has simply said that it will be released some time in 2015, and that a release date will be confirmed once it's ready. I guarantee that will be a game worth waiting for too.
So I've just seen the minimum required specs for Witcher 3 and decided my 4 year old setup need an upgrade as I want to run this game smoothly, been thinking of upgrading my CPU/GPU/Motherboard and maybe RAM to do this. Been thinking of a i5-4690K and 970 combo.

Any Ideas?

i have a 2500K @ 5ghz and no game gives me any trouble... my GPU is 99% all the time so bottlenecking is never an issue.. i also have a 970 g1 gaming OC @ 980 speeds

im sure a 2500k will still be perfectly fine for witcher 3!

an i5 2500k vs i5-4690K, the difference is so minimal in FPS...

I'd keep ya 2500k and get a 970 and youll see a massive increase in performance coming from a 580..
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"Passing the main storyline will take about 50 hours of play. Side quests will take about the same amount." :eek:


The sad thing about this is that my first thought is "where am I going to find that kind of time?" :(

I'm currently playing through DA:I and it's taking ages. I'm loving every second but just don't have the time I need to dedicate to it. I have games mounting up that I also want to play!

First world problems :)
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