Picked this up yesterday, had 4 hours crash free monster slaying, but today I can't go more than 10 minutes without the display cutting out, but still have sound.
Not changed anything in between, drivers are all up to date, temps were fine each time before it crashed.
Running an i5 760 @3ghz, R9 380 4GB and windows 10
Anyone had any similar issues and have a fix or 2 to try?
To turn this unnecessary service completely off and regain your lost framerate, as well as prevent any associated crashes, click on the Start Button on the Windows taskbar, search for "Services" and then right-click on its icon and select "Run as administrator".
After that, scroll down through the "Services (Local)" list, find and right-click on "NVIDIA Streamer Service", then select "Properties". First click on "Stop" to turn the service off and then select "Startup type: Disabled" from the drop-down menu.
I don't know about anyone else, but my 'Blood and Wine' box from Game did not arrive this morning, so it will be after the Bank Holiday now, I expect.
No problem anyway, as I have plenty of other 'things' I should be doing over the weekend... and on Monday evening!![]()
Yep mine too!
Changelog for version 1.2:
Some really good changes, I'll finally complete the Collect 'Em All quest...
"Adds book titled 'A Miraculous Guide to Gwent' which displays number of gwent
cards missing from player's base-game collection and information on where to find
Probably a silly question, but I assume that the patches are cumulative, in the fact that you can (for example) install the 'original' game directly from a DVD, and then download the latest patch (1.21) to bring your installation completely up to date?
They are if you update your game with Galaxy, Steam or Origin. If you are installing from disc standalone you need to install patch 1.10 first, then patch 1.21. and then any DLC separately too.
You can download the files from your account on Gog.com
They've made some pretty big UI changes, some bad however most of the changes are for the better. Items are better categorised in your inventory, the visuals across the inventory, crafting, quests, etc... looks much more like what you'd expect to see in a witcher game.
However my biggest issue right now is that decoctions are completely unidentifiable compared to what they used to look like in your inventory and now you even have to wait 1 second when you hover over them to see what they actually are. They've also removed the timer from the buff bar and it's now just a green ring around the icon that gradually depletes away to show how much time is on that buff. Not really that big of a deal but I definatley prefer the old style buff bar for it's simple functionality.
Error [content0]game\replacers\ciri.ws(325): Function 'GetCriticalHitChance' takes 5 parameter(s) which is inconsistent with base function (3).
Error [content0]game\player\playerwitcher.ws(1628): Function 'ApplyOil' has different return type 'Bool' than base function (void).
Error [content0]game\player\playerwitcher.ws(2033): Function 'GetCriticalHitChance' takes 5 parameter(s) which is inconsistent with base function (3).
Warning [content0]engine\environment.ws(25): Global native function 'EnableDebugOverlayFilter' was not exported from C++ code.
Warning [content0]engine\environment.ws(27): Global native function 'EnableDebugPostProcess' was not exported from C++ code.
Warning [content0]engine\showflags.ws(9): Global native function 'DebugSetEShowFlag' was not exported from C++ code.