Well, if they couldn't have pulled off those graphics even on PCs then I'd be ok with that but, as the guy said, PCs had more than enough grunt to stay true to CDProjekt's original vision.
I don't get this, why should we suffer because consoles are weak? And what's with saying they didn't have the resources to make the best out of each platform? If you don't have the money/manpower to utlise/cater to each platform's strengths/weaknesses then simply don't release games on all three platforms. What's the bloody point (besides teh monies)? Abandoning your vision to release something on platforms which clearly weren't suited to running it decently without a crapload of compromises seems like an utterly daft idea. At least let me max it with tablet-level hardware so that I won't be ashamed I fell for yet another clever marketing ploy and upgraded my rig in anticipation of what I thought would be an exceptionally good looking game.
Rant over, waiting for the PC release to see how good or bad the game really looks.
As the guy explains, the difficulties in supporting all three platforms weren't apparent until later on in the development cycle.