The Witcher series (Netflix)

Apologies meant to say 'the' issue as opposed to 'your'. Simply meaning that almost 50% being 1/10 suggests obvious review bombing as other posters had denied. My bad.

No probs!

Yeah that was some definite review bombing going on! I usually ignore any 1/10 & 10/10 scores for that same reason as I find that then gives you a more accurate reviewer score without all the guff.
No probs!

Yeah that was some definite review bombing going on! I usually ignore any 1/10 & 10/10 scores for that same reason as I find that then gives you a more accurate reviewer score without all the guff.
After a certain amount of time RT will do averaged scores or something similar for Audience figures where they take into account review bombs or an influx of 10/10 scores - they did the same for She Hulk for example that ended up with more 10/10 scores than 1/10 scores.

My original point was that the critics are giving Blood Origin crappy scores :D
After a certain amount of time RT will do averaged scores or something similar for Audience figures where they take into account review bombs or an influx of 10/10 scores - they did the same for She Hulk for example that ended up with more 10/10 scores than 1/10 scores.

My original point was that the critics are giving Blood Origin crappy scores :D
No, your original point was that the show was trash and review bombing was just an excuse which have both been proved wrong. It is a 5/10 show so average and the review bombing is very clear :D
No, your original point was that the show was trash and review bombing was just an excuse which have both been proved wrong. It is a 5/10 show so average and the review bombing is very clear :D
You were the one that brought up review bombing? I mean obviously you decided to ignore (and continue to ignore) the terrible critic reviews. Generally when critics'and audiences both come to a consensus then yes the show is trash by every metric :D
You were the one that brought up review bombing? I mean obviously you decided to ignore (and continue to ignore) the terrible critic reviews. Generally when critics'and audiences both come to a consensus then yes the show is trash by every metric :D
Have to admit, I tend to stay out of the low brow arguments on here and have gone far beyond my usual tolerance of people trying to save face but as per my previous post. 5/10 is average not trash, actually an average of 5.3 is above average if you want to be pedantic and I just stated that the show was bombed within 5 minutes of it being out, meaning people hadn't actually watched it, which I also doubt you have which you said was an excuse. Again it isn't great but it's perfectly fine throwaway entertainment, the fight scenes in particular look like a lot of effort was put into them. And just for the sarcasm/I'm an internet antagonist here you go..... :D
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Average would be very generous for this, to me the whole thing felt a lot like one of those fan made productions.

Cheap, poor acting, and nothing looks quite right.
Maybe because I'm sick in bed without much else to do but I didn't hate Blood Origin. It over-promised and under-delivered and coasted on the strength of the existing world building but it wasn't terrible.
Blood origins is utter garbage.
I want my £5 membership money back. Henry Cavill is entirely justifed for quitting - and I would have too.
The swearing alone is enough to not bother with it, it’s not even proportional.
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It does sound like the writers would be better off sticking to writing multi-part fanfic tweets, rather than being trusted with an actual show that would be watched by anyone.
Aaaaaaand here's another fantasy TV series that looks like it was fan created by LARP'ers.

Willow, Wheel of Time, The Witcher, Witcher BO (how apt), what it with these W shows? Shanara Chronicles et al and of course the crowning turd in the water pipe - The Rings of Power.

GOT and HOD aside, I'm afraid to say the supposed Golden Age of TV Fantasy Drama has been a total bust.
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There are clearly some people who really liked the show. The Guardian, IGN and gave it largely positive reviews.

I wasn't one of them. I would give it a 3/10.

Imagine the Fellowship from The Lord of the Rings, except most of the cast is relegated to the role of "plot device". Then chuck in Jaffar (either the 1992 version, or the one from the local panto) and evil-Jasmine as the antagonists. The world is saved from these dastardly scoundrels by a deformed Grey Hulk. Except it isn't saved - the Wizards (who we know precious little about, as they received minimal attention from the writers) finally had their moment, the sole reason for their continued existence in the show. And it turned out they made a huge error and doomed the world instead.
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If IGN's movie reviews are anything like their game ones then it can probably be ignored. The Guardian... No thanks.
Don't know about but looking at the titles of all their recent reviews, they seem to mostly like everything. :D
There are clearly some people who really liked the show. The Guardian, IGN and gave it largely positive reviews.

I wasn't one of them. I would give it a 3/10.

Imagine the Fellowship from The Lord of the Rings, except most of the cast is relegated to the role of "plot device". Then chuck in Jaffar (either the 1992 version, or the one from the local panto) and evil-Jasmine as the antagonists. The world is saved from these dastardly scoundrels by a deformed Grey Hulk. Except it isn't saved - the Wizards (who we know precious little about, as they received minimal attention from the writers) finally had their moment, the sole reason for their continued existence in the show. And it turned out they made a huge error and doomed the world instead.

It doesn't make for great TV but technically as per the opening scene these people only exist to serve a purpose.
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