The Wizard of Wolls: Follow the yellow brick gains

After that frankly tiny and pathetic leg workout, I have some of the worst DOMS I have ever experienced :p

More dedication needed for dem wheels.
Chest and tris felt a bit more back on form today.
BB Bench Press
20kg 15
60kg 12
92.5kg 8/8/8
65kg 10/10

Incline DB Flyes / incline DB Press
16kg / 16kg
10 / 10
10 / 10
10 / 10

Cable Flyes
20kg 12/12/12/12

BW 10/10/10/10

V Grip Push Down
50kg 12
55kg 12
60kg 12
55kg 12
50kg 12

30kg 12/12/10/8

Cable Rope Push Down
20kg thousands
Bit of Back and Bis today. Enjoyed it, felt swole.
Pull Ups
BW 8/8/8/6

BW 6/6/6

Cable Low Row
70kg 12/12/12/12

Cable Straight Arm Push Down
45kg 10/10/10/10

DB Curlz
12kg 12/12/12

BB Curlz
20kg 10/10/10

Seated DB Press
20kg 12
28kg 8
36kg 8/6/5

18kg 12/12/12

BB Front Raises
25kg 10/10/10

Y Raise Machine
12.5kg 12/12/12
First session in a week and after a holiday, so wasn't expecting anything great. On top of that, went to a different gym which was very unfamiliar. Bars were thicker than a normal oly bar, the barbell bench was too narrow, and the normal benches were very high off the ground.

Exercise4Less Stockton
20kg 12
60kg 12
90kg 6/6/6
60kg 12/10

Incline DB Flyes / Press
16kg / 16kg
10 / 10
10 / 10
10 / 10

Cable Flyes
18kg 12/12/12/12

BW 10/10/10/10

Cable Push Down
25kg 12/12/12/12/12
Decent enough back session today. Gonna start slowly cleaning up my diet and eating more protein again, so let's see if I lean out or get a bit bigger at least.

Pull Ups
BW 8/8/8/6

BW 6/5/6

Low Cable Row
80kg 12/10/10/10

Cable Straight Arm Push Down
45kg 12/12/12/10

BB Curlz
30kg 10/10/10

Seated DB Curlz
10kg 8/8/8

BB Curlz
30kg / 20kg / 10kg
8 / 10 / 12
8 / 10 / 12
Trained yesterday morning, wasn't a great workout. I was tired, incorrectly fueled, but still happy to be lifting.

Morning workout
DB Press
20kg 12
28kg 10
36kg 8/4/6/5
22kg 12/12

BB Front Raises / Rear Flyes
20kg / 8kg
10 / 12
10 / 12
10 / 12

BTN Press
40kg 12/12/10/10
Pretty fun chest workout today, felt good and giving me motivation to push myself for the rest of the week!

Flat DB Press
20kg 15
32kg 10
40kg 8/8/8
30kg 12/12

Incline BB Bench
60kg 10/8/10

Cable Crossovers
25kg 12/12/12/12

10kg 10/9/7
BW 8
Bit of a random back session down the new gym. Was happy with deadlifts considering I was already fatigued by the time I got on to them. Also the Olympic racks and plates this gym have are a pain in the ass. Trying to add or remove plates to a bar that was over 100kg is damned difficult by yourself when the plates have no handles and are all the same size! Whoever ordered them doesn't even lift.

Pull Ups
BW 8/8/8/6

BW 5/5/5/5

60kg 8
110kg 5
150kg 2
180kg 1
200kg 1
150kg 5/5
110kg 8

Straight arm cable push down
23.8kg 12/12/12

BB EZ Curlz
30kg 12/12/12

Seated DB Curlz
10kg 10/10/10
When Eddie Hall set the deadlift wr a could have weeks ago I thought the plates (I'm assuming similar to yours) looked like a pain to take on and off the bar - they look so thin.

Do you find doing pull ups and chins first effect your other lifts at all?
these ones aren't even thin, same thickness as normal plates just no handles or grooves to grip on to :(

Yeah definitely, would never normally do deadlifts after all of that, but it's a new gym and they don't seem to have any good back machines. So I took my anger out on the bar :p
Not my strongest shoulder routine, but last trained shoulders on Saturday, chest on Monday, and shoulders again today, so I dare say tightness and fatigue is responsible for the lower numbers. Still, good pump and felt like I had a decent workout.

20kg 12
40kg 12
60kg 8/8/6/6

BTN Press
40kg 12/12

BB Front Raise / DB Rear Flyes
25kg / 10kg
10 / 12
10 / 12
10 / 12

Rear Delt Machine
52kg 10/10/10

DB Shrugs
38kg 12/12/12/12
International Chest Monday. Good session, got the 42s up quite well. Could've done with a spotter for the first lift, but happy all the same.
DB Press
22kg 12
36kg 8
42kg 8/8/6
30kg 12/9

Incline BB Press
60kg 8/8/8

Cable Crossovers
23kg 12/12/12/12

BW 10/10/10

Cable Rope Push Down
14.7kg 15/15/15

Cable Rope Push Down / OH Ext
10.2kg / 7.9kg
12 / 12
10 / 10
8 / 8
Bit of a random back session down the new gym. Was happy with deadlifts considering I was already fatigued by the time I got on to them. Also the Olympic racks and plates this gym have are a pain in the ass. Trying to add or remove plates to a bar that was over 100kg is damned difficult by yourself when the plates have no handles and are all the same size! Whoever ordered them doesn't even lift.

Get one of these in your gym bag!
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