The Wizard of Wolls: Follow the yellow brick gains

Oh it got better. Chest today, hoooouge pump and the most weight I've benched since about two years.
Bench Press
20kg 15
60kg 12
90kg 8/8
80kg 8/7
60kg 11/11

Incline BB Bench
50kg 10/10/10

DB Flyes / DB Press
10kg / 16kg
10 / 8
10 / 8
10 / 4

Cable Flyes / cable rope push down / OH Ext
15kg / 30kg / 30kg
12 / 12 / 12
12 / 12 / 12
12 / 10 / 10

Cable Flat Push Down
30kg 15/15

Cable Flat Push Down Underhand Grip
25kg 15/15
Trying to get used to heavier weight so got some more weight on the BORs even tho I've dropped the reps slightly. These should hopefully go up soon. Was a decent workout but can't help but feel it needs a superset thrown in there to get the pump up.
20kg 15
60kg 12/12
75kg 8/8/8
60kg 12/12

Lat Pull Down
60kg 12/12/12

Close grip pull down
50kg 10/10/10

Low Cable Wide Row
50kg 12/12/12

Close Grip
50kg 12/12/12

TBar Rows
35kg 10/10/10

BB Curlz - slow reps
25kg 10/10/10

Swiss Curlz
8kg 10/10/10
This didn't feel like as big of a leg session as I've normally done, but it absolutely kicked my donkey. I'm obviously struggling with leg growth at the moment :(
Leg Ext / Back Squats
60kg / 60kg
12 / 12
12 / 12
12 / 12
10 / 12
10 / 12
10 / 12
Tough as hell

Step Ups / Hammy Curlz single / double
17kg / 30kg
10 / 8/8

17kg / 35
10 / 8/8
10 / 6/8

Leg Press half reps / deeper
90kg 15 / 5
100kg 15 / 5
110kg 15 / 5
110kg 15 / 5
Shoulders was good today, and then demolished a 10oz rump as celebration. Strong lifting.
20kg 12
50kg 8
55kg 8/8/8
50kg 8

BTN Press
40kg 10/10
20kg 15

Cable Front Raise / Leaning Cable Lat Raises
25kg / 10kg
12 / 10
12 / 10
12 / 10

Shrugs free bar - pause
90kg 12/12/12/12/12

Machine Press Superset
40kg / 30kg / 20kg
12 / 12 / 12
12 / 12 / 12
My shoulders have always been my strongest asset - years and years of bad posture has finally paid off!

Weight this morning post morning bowel movements is just shy of 91kg.
Haven't touched deadlifts or squats for lower back tightness. Nothing I haven't always had, just after my last impingement which stopped me from training for a few days, I simply haven't risked it again. All down to me doing some mobilisation, I'm just massively forgetful and lazy!
I ****ing love training arms. Everyone be mirin dat der pump.
BW 12
20kg 10/10/10/10/8

French Press / CGBP
25kg / 25kg
10 / 12
10 / 12
8 / 12
10 / 12

24kg 12/12/12/12

Cable Push Down / Underhand Grip
35kg / 35kg
15 / 15
15 / 10
12 / 12

BB Curlz
30kg 12/12/10

Swiss Curlz - no rest last two sets and leaning
8kg 8/8/8

Suppinated Grip Elbows Forwards Cable Curlz
30kg 12/12/12

Reallllly need to get a dipping belt. Dipping with a 20kg DB hanging between your ankles makes the whole thing tougher than it should be! :p
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Been and eaten plenty of food today and had some spare time so went and did some bench cos why not?
Bench Press
60kg 12/12
80kg 8
90kg 2
100kg 2
80kg 8
60kg 10/10

Not benched that for a while!
Having done some bench on Saturday, probably shouldn't have started with chest this week. But it's international chest day and who am I to argue with the law?
Bench Press
20kg 12
60kg 12
90kg 8/8 last rep spotted
80kg 8/6
60kg 12/12

Incline DB Press
24kg 10/10/10

DB Flyes / DB Press
10kg / 16kg
10 / 8
10 / 8
10 / 8

Cable Xovers - not as high
20kg 10
15kg 12/12/12

Cable Push Down
45kg 20
50kg 20
55kg 15

40kg 9/8/10

Was very tight from Saturday still so my normal bench press suffered for it. The rest of the workout was still decent enough, good intensity and full pump, so happy with it.
Did someone say evening arm session? Never normally train in the evening so that's a shock, I did a bench session on Saturday and then chest yesterday, so maybe not entirely fresh for it, but why not.

BW 12
22kg 10/10/8/7
BW 10

French Press / CGBP
25kg / 25kg
10 / 12
10 / 12
10 / 12
10 / 12

24kg 12/11/12/12

Cable Push Down / Underhand Grip
35kg / 35kg
15 / 15
15 / 10
10 / 10

BB Curlz
30kg 12/12/12
Last set tough as ****

Swiss Curlz - two supersets each leaning
8kg 8/8
8kg 8/8
Last set hard

Reverse grip BB Curlz narrow grip
20kg 10/10/10
Trained later yesterday (by a whopping 40 minutes), felt sick in the gym and a headache. Likely mental due to the late gym arrival, but knocked me off course and my TP wasn't fussed about being there either, so this leg session was a bit lame.

20kg 12/12
60kg 10
100kg 8
120kg 8/8/8
100kg 8
60kg 10/10

Leg Ext / Leg Curlz
35kg / 40kg
15 / 15
15 / 15
15 / 15
15 / 15
40kg 12
60kg 12/12
72.5kg 10/10/10/10/10
60kg 12/12

Lat Pull Down / Low Cable Row
60kg / 50kg
10 / 12
10 / 12
10 / 12
10 / 12

TBar Row
30kg 12
35kg 12/12
30kg 12

BB Curlz
25kg 12/12/10

Swiss Curlz
8kg 10/10

Still feeling like I'm burning the candle at both ends, but decent back workout today. Good pump, good strength, good swole.
Finding it harder to get the time for it. I'm taking about an hour and a half in and out, and that's with super setting. By the same token, I don't see the above as being low volume. 9 sets of decent weight BORs, 4 sets of superset cable work, 4 sets of tbars. Been avoiding deads as I still have horrific tightness in lower back, and trying to not injure myself.
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