The Wizard of Wolls: Follow the yellow brick gains

You know what happens on Mondays.
BB Bench
20kg 12/12
60kg 12
85kg 8/8/7
60kg 12/12

Incline DB Press
30kg 8/8/7

8kg 8/7
BW 8

Cable Flyes
20kg 12/12/12

Cable flat push down
55kg 15/15/15

Cable Push Down Underhand - normal stack
35kg 12/12
Back today. Lower back still compromised so no deadlifts.
20kg 12/12
60kg 12/12
70kg 10/10/10
50kg 12/12

Wide Grip Lat Pull Down
60kg 12/12/10

Close Grip Pull Down
60kg 10/10

Seated Low Row wide grip
50kg 10/10/12

TBar Rows
25kg 12/12/12

One handed rope curlz
10kg 10/10/10

Suppinated Close Grip Cable Curl
15kg 15/15/15

Odd choice in curls you say? My biceps seem to be dominated by the inner side, which makes my arms look a lot smaller. I've always put this down to years of using EZ bars due to a weak wrist. However now trying to focus on the outer bicep, and to hopefully fix my arm proportions a bit.
Kinda. Certain poses make them look decent, others make them look non existent. I find I can either get bicep in a pic, or Tricep; but struggle getting both. Which I don't think should be happening in a front double bicep pose!
Went to train legs today, but one of the big lads was by himself so asked if I fancied doing legs with him. Sure why not, says I. How bad could it be?
Legs with Dale
Leg Ext / Back Squats
70kg / 60kg
12 / 12
12 / 12
10 / 12

60kg / 60kg
8 / 12

50kg / 60kg
10 / 12
10 / 12

Leg Press half reps
55kg a side 35/35
70kg a side 25/25/25/25

DB SLDL / Hammy Curlz
18kg / 35kg
8 / 12

18kg / 50kg
8 / 12
8 / 10
8 / 8

18kg / 35kg
8 / 10
8 / 10

Doesn't look like much written down, but holy **** this was tough. Kept having to stick the weights down as I couldn't compete with the guy I was training with. Helped tho, as it didn't impinge on my compromised lower back, and still gave me an absolute beasting.
Absolute bro day today before shoulders tomorrow. Getting some pointers from a few of the bigger guys down the gym to hit that a size.
BW 12
10kg 10/10/10/10

Skull Crushers / CGBP
25kg / 25kg
12 / 12
12 / 12

French Press / CGBP
20kg / 20kg
12 / 12
12 / 12

22kg 10/10/10

Cable Rope Push Down
40kg 12/12
30kg 12 standing further back

Cable Push Down Underhand
30kg 15/15/15

Swiss Curlz
12kg 12/12/8

Hammer Curlz / BB Curlz
8kg / 12.5kg
8 / 12
8 / 12
8 / 12

Suppinated Grip Elbows Forwards Cable Curlz
15kg 12/12/12
French press is much like skull crushers, except in stead of bringing the barbell down to your forehead, you're bringing it down behind your head slightly (by having your starting position further towards your head rather than straight above your chest. Doing this lying down seems to offer a huge amount of tension compared to skull crushers, as you're never able to lock your arms out, so there's constant tension.
So turns out trying any form of OHP is tough after smashing triceps the day before.
18kg 12
28kg 10/8/8/7
20kg 10/10

Leaning Cable Lat Raises / Cable Front Raise
10kg / 25kg
12 / 10
12 / 10
12 / 10

Cable Rear Flyes / Face Pulls
10kg / 35kg
12 / 12
12 / 12
12 / 12

Y Raises / Smith Shrugs
3kg / 100kg
12 / 12
12 / 12
12 / 12
12 / 12

Machine OHP
35kg 25/20

Weights reasonable, form was well maintained. Good shoulder session in all and happy with how this week has gone. Need to continue to hit my leg/posterior chain stretches over the weekend, and increase some weights across the board next week.
BB Bench
60kg 12
87.5kg 8/8/8
60kg 12/12

Incline DB Press
30kg 8/8/7

BW 9/8
Couldn't do third set, shoulders restricted

Cable Flyes
25kg 12/12/12
Need work, not quite as strict

Cable Push Down Superset
25kg / 15kg
15 / 15

Bit of a shorter session but had work constraints. Not much of a Tricep burn from this workout, but shoulder pump was unreal - restricted my ability to do dips at all!
20kg 12/12
60kg 12/12
75kg 8/8/8
60kg 12/12

Seated cable wide grip row
55kg 12/12/12

Seated cable close grip row
60kg 12/12

Lat pull down wide grip
60kg 10/10/10

TBar Row
30kg 12/12/12

Swiss Curls
12kg 10/10/8

Suppinated Grip Elbows Forwards Cable Curlz
20kg 12/12/12

Everything this workout hurt. The BORs felt a lot heavier this week, which is making me doubt what I did last week - did I use 20kg plates or 15kg last week?! But still trooped on through.

By the time I got to cable rows, the forearm/bicep pump was becoming excruciating in those few seconds immediately after a set, which is both the best and worst feeling rolled in to one. Feel like you're making some gains, also feel like you just need to be held and told everyone's gonna make it.
Ha yeah Nick, that sounds like lots of fun, something I'd really enjoy, thanks for the recommendation :rolleyes: :D

Certainly am Wozza. Diet is reasonably honed in (still can't quite master weekends) and enjoying training far too much at the moment; plus like to keep y'all entertained. Speaking of which......

BW 10
14kg 10/10/10/10/10

French Press / CGBP
20kg / 20kg
10 / 12
10 / 12
10 / 12
10 / 12

22kg 12/12/12

Cable Rope Push Down Stood Back
30kg 12/12/12

Cable Push Down Underhand Grip
35kg 15/15
40kg 15

Swiss Curlz
12kg 12/12/12

Hammer Curlz / BB Curlz
8kg / 12.5kg
10 / 12
10 / 12
10 / 12

Suppinated Grip Elbows Forwards Cable Curlz
20kg 12/12/12

This French Press malarkey is horrible, and the super light CGBP superset fees horrific afterwards despite the low weight. Decent pump but felt I could've done more, despite spending over an hour lifting.

You may notice I tend to stand away from the cable machine when doing cable push downs. Seem to be able to get much better time under tension when stood further back, seems to keep the Tricep active more. And very humbling when you have to stick the weight down to compensate. Grow! Grow my little arms!
It's probably something to do with the angle against which the cable pulls...

More horizontal will have you contracting harder at the end of the concerntic movemement, but 'easier' at the beginning... and depending on what you do with the eccentric, the same principle may apply.

Either way...

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Obviously the closer to locking out you get, the less tension is kept on the muscle. Standing back stops the cable being parralell with your arms at the point of full contraction, which keeps the tension in the Tricep instead.

I think. Maybe.

Saving that pic though :D
Really didn't fancy training legs today, so went down and trained legs instead. Wait what?
Leg Ext / Squats
60kg / 60kg
12 / 12
12 / 12
12 / 12
10 / 12
10 / 12
10 / 12

Leg Press single / double
77kg / 93kg
12 / 12
12 / 12
12 / 12
12 / 12
12 / 12

GHR / Hammy Curlz
BW / 50kg 12 / 12 hammy cramp
BW / 40kg 12 / 12
BW / 30kg 12 / 12

Walking between sets on the last exercise, had the difficult task of stepping over the TBar Row bar laid on the floor. Lifting my leg up gracefully like a gazelle when the hamstring cramp kicked in. Half stumbled to the floor as I quickly put the cramping leg back down, and as I raised the other leg, that hamstring also spasmed. Neither in to full cramp fortunately, but lawd they were tight! Toight like a toiger!
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