Week off on holiday, so first day back today. Chest, obviously. Pump was good, stamina not quite as good as it was but should be back by next week. Gym was a bit busy so didn't get to do any barbell work.
Flat DB Press
22kg 12
36kg 10/10/8
24kg 10/10
Incline DB Press / DB Flyes
20kg / 12kg
10 / 8
10 / 8
10 / 8
Cable Cross Overs - slow and tight
15kg 12/12/12
BW 12/10/8
French Press / CGBP
10 / 12
10 / 12
Cable Flat Push Down / Underhand Push Down
45kg / 35kg
15 / 12
15 / 12
One handed cable push down - stood back
10kg 12/12
Cable Rope Push Down
20kg 20