The Wizard of Wolls: Follow the yellow brick gains

Lots of stretches

DB Press
20kg 12
30kg 8/8/8/7
22kg 10/10

Leaning Cable Lat Raises / Cable Front Raise
10kg / 25kg
12 / 10
12 / 10
12 / 10

Cable Rear Flyes / Face Pulls
10kg / 35kg
12 / 12
12 / 12
12 / 12

100kg 12/12/12/12

Machine Press
40kg 25/15

Everything felt good today, strength was decent, pump was good, weights went up, and that awful burning sensation you get from a good shoulder session made even drinking water feel like an extra rep! :p
Week off on holiday, so first day back today. Chest, obviously. Pump was good, stamina not quite as good as it was but should be back by next week. Gym was a bit busy so didn't get to do any barbell work.

Flat DB Press
22kg 12
36kg 10/10/8
24kg 10/10

Incline DB Press / DB Flyes
20kg / 12kg
10 / 8
10 / 8
10 / 8

Cable Cross Overs - slow and tight
15kg 12/12/12

BW 12/10/8

French Press / CGBP
10 / 12
10 / 12

Cable Flat Push Down / Underhand Push Down
45kg / 35kg
15 / 12
15 / 12

One handed cable push down - stood back
10kg 12/12

Cable Rope Push Down
20kg 20
20kg 12/12
60kg 12
70kg 10/10/10
60kg 12/12

Lat Pull Down wide Grip / DB Rows
60kg / 24kg
12 / 10
10 / 8
10 / 8

Seated wide grip row / lat pull down close grip
50kg / 40kg
12 / 10
12 / 10
12 / 10

TBar Rows
25kg 12/12/12

Did some bicep stuff at the end but not enough to bother writing down.
Last time I trained legs with a bigger lad than me, I said never again. So that's what I did this week. Maybe third time is the charm?
Legs with Dale
Leg Ext single leg / double leg
25kg 12 warm up
40kg 8/8
45kg 8/8
45kg 6/8
40kg 6/8

Leg Press single leg / double leg (half rep)
100kg 8/18
110kg 8/18
120kg 8/18
130kg 6/18

Front Squat / back squat
60kg / 60kg
8 / 8
8 / 8
6 / 6
6 / 8

16kg 8/8/8

Hammy Curlz
60kg 10/10/10

Absolutely sickening pump, and every part of the workout was awful, albeit was wrapped up in just less than an hour.
Who DOESN'T like arm day? I know MrThingyX does, even tho he's so far in denial he's drowning in Eygpt.....
BW 12
16kg 10/10/10/10/10

French Press / CGBP
20kg / 20kg
10 / 12
10 / 12
10 / 12
10 / 12

22kg 12/12/12/12

Cable Rope Push Down - short stack
60kg 15/10
45kg 10
Didn't like movement on this cable stack

Cable Push Down Underhand Grip
30kg 15/15/15

Swiss Curlz
14kg 10/10/10
Last set was a grind

BB Curlz
20kg 10/10/10

Suppinated Grip Elbows Forwards Cable Curlz
25kg 12/12/12
Missus sounds like she has her priorities right... Mine doesn't like the thought of me "bodybuilding" yet seems to like abz and obliques... :(
Oh no, the way I know they're growing was from her saying "they're as big as they were before, don't make them any bigger" :D

What do women know of muscles, eh?
Missed out logging Friday's shoulder session. Been an absolutely brutal week back on the weights after having last week off, so hoping next week will see some more stamina and strength increases.

20kg 12/12
50kg 8
55kg 8/7
50kg 8/8
First time doing OHP in ages

BTN Press
40kg 10/8
20kg 15

BB Front Raise / DB Rear Flyes
20kg / 8kg
10 / 10
10 / 10
10 / 10

Leaning side cable raises
10kg 10/10/8

100kg 12/12/12/12
Monday chest day, turned up happy to blast out some bench press. Then big Scottish lad tells me I'm training with him and I decided it was safer not to argue.

I was wrong.

BB Bench
60kg 12

Flat DB Flyes / DB Press
10kg / 30kg
10 / 8
10 / 8
10 / 8

Flat DB Flyes / DB Press (3 sets)
10kg / 30kg 24kg 16kg
10 / 6 6 8

Incline DB Bench / DB Flyes
10kg / 24
10 / 6

10kg / 18
10 / 10
10 / 8
10 / 8

BW 8/7/3

Cable Crossovers upper arm
10kg 5/5/5

Cable Crossovers
20kg 15/15/15/15

Tricep Push Down Close Grip / Wide Grip
40kg / 40kg
15 / 15
15 / 15
15 / 12

Underhand Cable Push Down
30kg 15/15

20kg 15/15

The strength fall off was hilarious, 18kg DB press should never feel so difficult. But the stretch you feel from doing Flyes before DB press is amazing. Enjoyed the workout, although I'll suffer for it tomorrow.
Felt like a pretty average back workout today, nothing too impressive.
20kg 12
60kg 12
70kg 10/10/10/10/10
60kg 12

Low Cable Row
50kg 15
55kg 15
60kg 10/10
55kg 12
50kg 12

Machine Pull Down - single hand
30kg 12/10/10

Lat Pull Down - slow tempo
50kg 10/10/10

TBar Rows
30kg 12/12/12

BB Curlz
25kg 10/10/9

Swiss Curlz
8kg 8/8/8
Legs today by myself for a change. Still on doctor's (wife's) orders to not do heavy squatting sessions, so weights were quite low. Still managed to get an uncomfortable lower back pump at the end of my squat super sets tho.

Leg Ext
40kg 25/25/20/15

Front Squats / Back Squats
60kg / 60kg
8 / 10
8 / 10
8 / 10
8 / 10

Leg Press single leg / double leg (half rep)
110kg 8/15
110kg 8/15
110kg 8/15

Leg Curlz single leg / double leg
30kg 8/8
30kg 6/8
30kg 6/8
Good shoulder session, enjoyed it! Not much more to say!
20kg 12/12 slow reps
50kg 8
55kg 8/8/6
50kg 8

BTN Press
40kg 10/10
20kg 15

Cable Front Raise / Leaning Side Raise - short stack
30kg / 15kg
10 / 8
10 / 8
10 / 8

DB Rear Flyes
8kg 10/10/10

Shrugs - free bar
60kg 12 paused reps
80kg 12 paused reps
100kg 12/12

Machine Press
35kg 25
45kg 15
55kg 12
65kg 6
Did some joocey as **** arms on Saturday but couldn't log as the forums were down.
BW 12
20kg 10/10/10/8/8

French Press / CGBP - last week at this weight
20kg / 20kg
10 / 12
10 / 12
10 / 12
10 / 12

24kg 12/12/12/10/10

Cable Flat Pushdown
35kg 15/15/15/15

Cable flat Pushdown underhand grip
30kg 15/15/15

BB Curlz
30kg 12/10/10/8

Swiss Curlz
10kg 8/8/8/8

Suppinated Grip Elbows Forwards Cable Curlz
30kg 12/12/11

Hammer Curlz
6kg 10/10/10

Such pump.
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