you like to think you know it all don't you, it's what makes you think your worth something, you've got a lot to learn mate seriously, you come on here everyday scrutinising everyones posts, twisting peoples words trying to elevate yourself, you actually believe that that makes your life worth something mate ?, is that all you have to hang on to, is that what makes you happy ? in real life you are probably no one special no doubt, I've meet hundreds of people like you, usually low self esteem, no GF, hardly any friends because who wants to hang around someone that thinks they knows it all, and don't joke about suicide mate, It's something I've had to deal with all my life with my sister, she suffers from boarder-line personality disorder and on many occasions has tried to kill herself, it's not a joke when you see your sister lying there in a pool of blood wondering if she'll make it this time,
Also you may think that you believe you know what I want, trust me you don't, I'm not looking for answers for happiness, you think happiness is a means to end on its own, thats exactly what I talking about,
I don't want what other people want, I want answers because I'm looking to gain knowledge and understanding, I want to become a better human being, not one that just blindly follows their instincts, I've wanted answers ever since I remember having my first thoughts on this planet, everyone said I was different in school, even in nursery, because I didn't care for what the other kids were doing, I just wanted to know why we were here, it felt strange as a child being on this planet, one minute I didn't exist, then suddenly I'm here, living, breathing in this biological machine that I've always felt trapped in from birth,
yet nobody else seemed to be concerned about this, it felt odd at the very least, everybody seemed more concerned with following their primeval instincts, looking to be head of the pack, gaining power, and like I said before, gaining notoriety, this was very evident even when I was in primary school, kids were learning at the age of 7/8 that by gaining notoriety it gave them meaning to their lives, it made them feel empowered, this was the stuff I was observing even at that age, and I'm not saying that because I thought I was clever, I'm not, far from in fact, I just look at things differently compared to allot of people,
Anyway back to what I was saying in my original drunken post, when I said that people don't care about real issues, I also mean in doing the right thing, which brings me what you said here,
"How does knowing "why we are here" help a child dying slowly of malnutrition? how does it help all those living i fear of rape, murder, torture all over the world, or the far less dramatic western issues of where will we get our power from in a few decades, how are we going to maintain our water systems for more people, am i going to be able to afford the good chicken or the cheap stuff?"
yes of course these are real issues, and to think that I don't care about them would be idiotic, but part of the reason why these problems exist (and going to exist) is because we haven't been thinking of the big picture, because we haven't been questioning ourselves and our actions enough, or even questioning our existence, I believe that if we concentrated more on trying to evolve ourselves as human beings then we wouldn't have the problems outlined in your quote, we need to keep asking these big questions to move forward, to evolve, to understand ourselves better, so that hopefully the next generation is built upon better morals and ethics and a better understanding of what is wrong and right, its this that will help change the world for the better.