A man's walking along a beach, when he spots a particularly shiny shell. He rubs it and 2 genies appear. They grant him 3 wishes. He makes them then walks on home.
As he arrives home there's a huge mansion where his house once stood, "sweet" thinks the man, "wish number 1!". He walks in and is immediately greeted by 10 horny playboy bunnies, "fantastic, wish number 2" he thinks with a big grin on his face.
Then there's a knock at the door. He opens it and 2 figures stand all in white with pointy hoods over their faces. They grab him, tar him, feather him, throw a noose over his neck and hang him from the nearest tree. Then the 2 hooded figures take down their hoods; its the two genies. One says to the other, "I can understand the first two wishes, but why he wanted to be hung like a black man I'll never know."