theHunter: Call of the Wild

COTW is £9.99 at cdkeys ATM.

bargain.....My go to chill out it.

Still trying to bag my first diamond on any reserve - so close so many times with huge scoring golds but can't get that elusive first diamond

Anyone bought/got the 470 rifle? I tend to use .243/7mm and crossbow as my mains
i mainly still use the .243 and the 7mm 338 when i want to destroy at long range. saying that the 7mm is just as good at 400m plus.

new reserve not long now and is amazing. really is turning into a great game. lots of content to go at and different animals.

gemsbok booyaka if you can find them might be a good crack for a diamond.
Any word on release date? I've heard the word "soon", but wondering if thats going to be holiday period soon or Q1 2019 soon?

Dare I say? i'm looking forward to the release of the new reserve more than I was of the Savannah reserve, just hope they tone down the inane ramblings a bit this time. I dont mind a bit of narrative and back story but jeez, I could have quite happily spent hours hunting down the old man to put a .338 in his head to shut him up.
Its good to see the game continuing to be fleshed out, and if the old game is anything to go by, we will continue to see frequent updates and new content for time to come. I genuinely dont mind paying for what has so far been high quality fairly priced content.

Game is still mindblowingly beautiful.
take your time. visit near water areas for animals if struggling to find them. also place shots well. front armpit area side on in rib cage is lung heart. you need to hit vital areas or..spine shots. spine shots are being reworked though so soon it will be more on heart lung vital shots. you have to match the guns to your prey. loads of videos and wiki material and the steam forums are great for info. great game put the effort will be rewarded.;)
Same old animals that we’ve all shot before though. Whether it’s a reskinned lynx or a new puma or one of the many types of ‘pig’.

Would be nice to have a new reserve with new animals not just a coat of paint.
same old animals ? puma is totally different and has different new behaviour.totally new deer species. different land, topography and storyline + other items. its not like any other reserves. weird. many people just dont get game development. often a new map is minimum 6 months alone to develop for many games.animals are often 3 months a piece. some things might look similar without looking in any depth but there is a lot of new great features content been added.
same old animals ? puma is totally different and has different new behaviour.totally new deer species. different land, topography and storyline + other items. its not like any other reserves. weird. many people just dont get game development. often a new map is minimum 6 months alone to develop for many games.animals are often 3 months a piece. some things might look similar without looking in any depth but there is a lot of new great features content been added.
I’d like to see more variation than just another deer or small cat like thing. The Africa Map was a real opportunity to put in some interesting prey.
Well that wasnt a long wait, released today!

Played a quick hour, spent most of my time trying to find pumas. Found one, and just watched it as it stalked a small female red dear, the deer got spooked in the end let out a warning call and darted off.
I think "politically" putting lions/tigers/rhino/elephants etc etc in would be a bad move - Can you imagine the outcry socially etc
Nah, plenty of fps games out there killing people, and whats the difference killing the animals in the game now anyway, i aint going to kill in real life.
its a brand based on hunting. make the wrong decision you can seriously hurt the brand. you only have to look at how trophy animal hunts go on social media. its a witch hunt as soon as any dentist shoots something. which all social media gets behind.

the new reserve is great fun . currently completing the missions. :cool:
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