I'm sure it's a better game than I'm giving it credit for, but as a "new" player there is virtually no "tutorial" other than a 1 minute "shoot gun" one. Then the game dumps you into the "world" and, without any further training, just says - Well, get on with it!
Basically the game as I have found it is just me walking around for the past 2 hours, seeing nothing, do nothing, being bored, going to the "explore" points, seeing nothing, doing nothing, pressing E on tracks which go nowhere, seeing nothing, doing nothing, walking to the next point - SEEING A BEAR - seeing a bear run away, walking to it's tracks, pressing E, spending 15 minutes following the tracks, seeing nothing doing nothing, walking around for another 30 minutes, getting more bored and frustrated - SEEING MOOSE AT 150M - SHOOTING AT THE MOOSE - watching the moose run away, can't find the moose or any blood trails so I don't know if I hit the moose, walking around, seeing nothing, doing nothing, repeat until I want to uninstall the damn game.
As I said, I'm sure there's a great game once you've got experience of the game mechanics, know what everything does, how best to track etc but for a new player I just spent a boring two hours learning nothing and getting frustrated at the complete lack of any information for new players. Even just a few basic tutorials like a rifle range so you can tell what your bullet drop is, a tracking school, a "what does everything do" lesson before you start would help.
PS I'm not expecting an Animal version of Call of Duty, but it would be nice to actually see an animal more than once per hour.