They are Billions - RTS meets Zombie Hordes !

i'm still struggling with the second map... so much open space, barely any choke points... and i always seem to get stuck with barely any resources to move into iron
Where is the fun in rerolling until you get a perfect map? Why not just go into the map editor?

Why are you inventing these scenarios and asking me about them?

I know it's easier to smear someone negatively by tricking them into picking up a twisted version of what they said but I'll stick by what I actually said.

If you find yourself being given a hand which totally stinks by the RNG mapmaker then hit "save and exit" and start again with the same name to delete that previous game and reroll.

Obviously you're interpreting it into something you're upset about but you're wrong and making it personal.
grrr, ive got worse at this game, get over ambitious on stating area and pay the price.
oh and stupid mistakes.
I know that feeling. I often try to clear too much ground in the first 10 days, end up spreading too thin or pulling too many runners.
Well, I couldn't stay away from it for long. But I just completely ***** up and lost the colony on day 97; stupidly, in one spot, I built my first outer wall up against a stone seam, so I couldn't place the second wall or iron spikes. It was only a tiny section of my outer defenses, but that's where the horde attacked. D'oh. :o
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Just got this game, boy is it brutal just when you think you have got the hang of it and you think you have good defenses they attack you weakest spot:( day 75.
First game today, easiest everything just so I could figure out the ropes (like it took way to long to realise you can upgrade already built structures!)

Managed to survive 150 days, but they had just breached my second line of walls, but all my titans where heading to them.

Will give normal difficulty a try soon.
You can work out the exact attack days in advance depending on what timescale you chose.

10 scripted swarms spaced out in however many days you chose so you'll always know how many days you have to prepare for a scripted swarm.

You also get random attacks of much smaller groups after a couple of scripted waves that needs constant paranoia and either defences or units covering or nearby everything.
I'm waiting for the full release to give me a save position to replay bad attacks so I can learn and carry on rather than die and start again.
Still like the survival missions though. Still haven't finished the first map.
^^ I hope not ! The games main attraction is knowing that you cannot relax and you have to concentrate and make the correct decisions. If they allowed you to fix your errors by reloading the map it would ruin the game.

I lost count how many times on the easiest of settings I missed a sole zombie sneaking into my camp infecting a hut and then realising I was doomed!!! Love it !

By the way have you all seen this lucky blighters map ??

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You can still have the survival game with no saves. I'll let you keep that one :)
I just want another game mode that's not so harsh. It will allow me to experiment and try things out.
You can still have the survival game with no saves. I'll let you keep that one :)
I just want another game mode that's not so harsh. It will allow me to experiment and try things out.

If you want to experiment and have multiple chances at a save, then you can. When you're in a game and want to save it, save and exit the game - go to your documents folder, go to my games and make a copy of the 'They are Billions' folder. This will make a backup of yuor save and you can restore it if you die.

It's cheating really.. but it's useful for learning the game or saving good maps.

^^ I hope not ! The games main attraction is knowing that you cannot relax and you have to concentrate and make the correct decisions. If they allowed you to fix your errors by reloading the map it would ruin the game.

I lost count how many times on the easiest of settings I missed a sole zombie sneaking into my camp infecting a hut and then realising I was doomed!!! Love it !

By the way have you all seen this lucky blighters map ??


Nice map - bit cramped though!
Hope they find a way for campaign to be interesting.

Who wants to bet that you play vs an AI human base at some point to make the zombies less monotonous.
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