
Just finished Chapter 5. Playing it with headphones on loud, in a dark room. Pooped myself a few times :D

Did some more side missions earlier and got about 2300 gold waiting to be spent. But I want to find that old lady where I can upgrade my powers, anyone have an idea how to find her?

Edit: Never mind, I assume she is queen of beggars marked on the map. lol
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I can't seem to register my email address with Square Enix, the box where you click register just stays greyed out.

Other than that the game is fine for me and is worthy of the Thief name.
My mouse was out of sync with the pointer by quite a bit when I first tried to log into Square Enix. I just roamed around the screen till it lit up the box.
I can't seem to register my email address with Square Enix, the box where you click register just stays greyed out.

Other than that the game is fine for me and is worthy of the Thief name.

had the same problem when trying to register ..... I just skipped past it.

I'm at the very start of chapter 3, still without the wrench, but not really finding it a neccessary tool, the wire cutters though I picked up, just cos.
I can't seem to register my email address with Square Enix, the box where you click register just stays greyed out.

Other than that the game is fine for me and is worthy of the Thief name.

you have to have a square enix account.
you put your email in that box ingame.
you get sent an email with a link to tie the game to your account (it's not permanent you can change it)

you have to type in the email address off a square enix account or nothing happens
Does SLI work on this with the latest drivers? Doesnt seem to be working on some older drivers i am using?
you have to have a square enix account.
you put your email in that box ingame.
you get sent an email with a link to tie the game to your account (it's not permanent you can change it)

you have to type in the email address off a square enix account or nothing happens

Ok gotcha, will sort it out sometime today. Many thanks arknor :cool:
Enjoying this, but there are certainly flaws. The atmosphere that the game creates is fantastic and visually it is pretty decent. It is very linear though and there don't seem to be many places you can break into in the 'open world' which is a big shame. Much of the stuff you can actually steal is also not very varied. Still, it is keeping my attention at the moment.
Just completed it. Not a bad game at all. But not great either, could have been better. The story was ok, but nothing special.

I could go into more detail, but too tired now. Dishonoured was definitely a better game. But Theif is defeintly worth playing, I certainly enjoyed it :D

I will give it a score of 7.5. Would be higher, but I am judging it harshly because this is meant to be a big budget triple a game and it is 2014 now so I expect better. lol.
I have very fond memories of the first Thief game :cool:.

unfortunately from what I have seen this game seems to be quite poor :(, I think I might wait for the price to fall but even then I'm not sure. From the comments in here, which seem to be praising its mediocrity, I'm still far from sold :(.
Does SLI work on this with the latest drivers? Doesnt seem to be working on some older drivers i am using?

Yep, SLI is working on latest nvidia drivers.

The game is oddly jittery though. Plagued by weird 'stutter' that all unreal 3 engine games seem to get on release. Tried all the tweaks suggested like running the 32bit version, SLI on/ off, all the ini tweaks in the config files suggested here , and it makes no difference at all.

Was exactly the same with bioshock infinite and Deus Ex HR on release until they were patched - Guess we'll have to wait for a patch for this which is really really annoying.

Why can't they just get it right on release? This engine has been around for donkeys years :mad:
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I continue to enjoy this game, and be surprised at how good it is. Currently on chapter 4 and it really does 'feel' like a Thief game!...A large building to infiltrate, with lots of hidden passages etc. Classic!

I think I have found the way to get the best out of the game: There are lots of side missions dotted about The City, which are often quite small, but features the most freedom to do as you wish and experiment, whereas the main missions are a bit more cinematic, with the odd set-piece and cutscene etc. I have found that Doing one of the main missions, then exploring a bit and doing one or two sides, then going back to another main mission strikes just the right balance between the sandbox/freedom feel you want from the Thief games, and the slightly restrained, cinematic nature of the main story missions. I really enjoy playing it that way.
Really enjoying this too and it looks gorgeous. The lighting and atmosphere is great and maxed out it looks pretty good to me.
Running it in single card mode though as crossfire didn't seem to do anything apart from give me annoying stutters. Turned it off and it runs perfect with one issues at all.
I continue to enjoy this game, and be surprised at how good it is. Currently on chapter 4 and it really does 'feel' like a Thief game!...A large building to infiltrate, with lots of hidden passages etc. Classic!

I think I have found the way to get the best out of the game: There are lots of side missions dotted about The City, which are often quite small, but features the most freedom to do as you wish and experiment, whereas the main missions are a bit more cinematic, with the odd set-piece and cutscene etc. I have found that Doing one of the main missions, then exploring a bit and doing one or two sides, then going back to another main mission strikes just the right balance between the sandbox/freedom feel you want from the Thief games, and the slightly restrained, cinematic nature of the main story missions. I really enjoy playing it that way.

Nice, you are giving me more optimism but I will still wait till TA to begin and hopefully get the best experience.
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