Things that annoy you most on the roads

BMW drivers behind you who beep you because you let someone out that has been held up by other cars. The aforementioned driver ended up 2 cars behind me when he reappeared later since a) he can't drive and b) he'd probably got distracted by the luxurious interior of a white, K reg 316.
(a few of the) things that really annoy me:

- drivers that have no idea how to control a car between road markings so they drift across lanes (especially around round-abouts) without consideration for anyone else.

- drivers that try to make a 2nd lane at roundabouts and traffic lights when there clearly isn't room (or road markings/signs) for a 2nd lane.

- drivers that try to "skip traffic" by driving along access roads and then try to cut-in.

- idiots that let the drivers that try to "skip traffic" in, thus holding up those behind.

- idiots who don't know what indicators are for.

and of course...

- middle lane morons
1. Lane hoggers: you know who you are :mad:

2. Lane Discpline: There are lines there for a goddamn reason, stay inbetween them unless you INDICATE!
-Blocking side roads and junctions, no need for it.
-Doing half the speed limit through GATSO's regardless of conditons

This is the main one at the moment:

British que mentality. Outside lane is free at the traffic lights? I'll make use of that road space. But people feel threatened and bunch up riding their brakes like grannies just to stop you moving to the inside when you need to.
People who do not move from lane 1 to lane 2 if lane 2 is clear when I'm trying to join off a sliproad.

Near miss tonight, line of traffic on the inside, no one outside and no bugger moved across.
Rotty said:
Lorry drivers changing lanes regardless of the fact that you are along side them

Lorry drivers blocking two lanes of a motorway while carrying out a 6 mile overtaking manoeuvre

Lorry drivers tailgating despite their much longer stopping distances

Lorry drivers with aggressive attitudes to other road users

Lorry drivers blocking a lane leading up to roadworks , the highway code says merge in turn you muppets

get my point

I love you too! :p

VeNT said:
people in lorrys who try and overtake another lorry when doing 0.5mph more.

Don't blame us drivers, were just trying to keep to deadlines, that are set by our customers, not us!

Alas, the speed limiter is the culprit, not to mention the fact rarely will 2 trucks be running at the same speed.

This is caused by a number of factors, usually, its down to the speed limiter needing to be recalibrated after the trucks had new tyres.

Look around your room, I promise 95% of it was delivered (at some point) by trucks , I tell you what, we'll all pack in driving HGV's and then see how long the country runs for!

City Link deliver for OC/UK, every item they carry ,at some point, goes on a truck......

Just think, the prospect of no computer bits!! (Never mind essentials.) ;)

Rant over! :p

BTW, In the main, I hate White Van Man, Mr Vectra Man & Mondeo Man (Sorry Fox) 99% of BMW drivers also.

I'm probably in that 99% myself! :o ;)
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woodsup said:
Lorry drivers that tip over their trucks on roundabouts!!!!



Loads can shift at very low speeds, often with results you dislike.

Speed is not the cause of most accidents. ;)
Loads of things but the all time number 1, way out in front is...

Lobotomised morons who start in the left lane at a round about and then cut across the inside lane as they go "round" (more like across). I swear one of these days I won't actually brake to avoid hitting them but will deliberately driving into the side of them and then stand and laugh at them.
Misused fog lights.
Xenon head lights or any car that partially blinds even with dipped beam.
People that get irate when I save fuel (e.g. rolling to a red light).
Mud on the roads.
Cyclists that don't take enough measures to ensure their visibility.
People who seem to brake for any or no reason whatsoever.
HGV's overtaking one another... what a way to clog up the motorway

Sorry R124/LA420, I just read your post above, but there are some ignorant HGV drivers out there

People who hog the outside or middle lanes. The number of times I've been stuck behind some idiot doing 65 in the outside lane and have moved over to the middle lane to see nothing in front of them... grrrr

People who don't want to let you overtake them, or let you ovetake them and then they glue themselves to your bumper

People who don't say thank you after you let them through a gap

People who decide to reverse into me in car parks and then blame me for not looking where I was going :eek:

People who don't indicate

People who use the wrong lanes on roundabouts
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agw_01 said:
HGV's overtaking one another... what a way to clog up the motorway

Sorry R124/LA420, I just read your post above, but there are some ignorant HGV drivers out there

Very true mate, why oh why the truck thats being passed has'nt the thought to lift off the throttle, just a tad to allow the other to pass quickly, defeats me. :rolleyes:

Remember guys, on a single carriageway road, an HGV is limited to 40MPH by law, even if the posted limit is say, 60MPH.

Please bear this in mind the next time you think a trucker is trying to hold you up. - Or, would you rather have a 44 tonner speeding?
People who are sheep in disguise who think its funny to constantly bash BMW drivers because they are so inferior in every way they feel the need to compensate.

People who use the left hand lane for going all the way round

People who see the BMW badge and refuse to let you out at junctions

Traffic police who's driving is so bad you wonder how they got their licence

Middle lane morons
mejinks said:
People who see the BMW badge and refuse to let you out at junctions

If it's a blondie in a 318 or 316 Compact, they can wait :D

If it's a business man/woman in a 330Ci who indicates... sure, I'll let them out :)
R124/LA420 said:
Very true mate, why oh why the truck thats being passed has'nt the thought to lift off the throttle, just a tad to allow the other to pass quickly, defeats me. :rolleyes:

Remember guys, on a single carriageway road, an HGV is limited to 40MPH by law, even if the posted limit is say, 60MPH.

Please bear this in mind the next time you think a trucker is trying to hold you up. - Or, would you rather have a 44 tonner speeding?

Its funny you should say that, but I spotted a truck going faster than 56 tonight on the M4. I pulled along side and matched his speed for my curiosity and found he was going a tad over 67mph.

The other thing I notice about truck drivers is the amount who think they are self appointed traffic police. Straddling two lanes to stop overtakers on slip roads.
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