Things that annoy you most on the roads

mejinks said:
Its funny you should say that, but I spotted a truck going faster than 56 tonight on the M4. I pulled along side and matched his speed for my curiosity and found he was going a tad over 67mph.

He was either Irish, or, had no working speed limiter, or, was going down a steep hill without being smart enough to check his speed.
Perhaps, it was a 7.5 tonne "truck" (Dinky toy) that can easily do 70MPH? - they look like trucks ,but, have no limiter.

mejinks said:
The other thing I notice about truck drivers is the amount who think they are self appointed traffic police. Straddling two lanes to stop overtakers on slip roads.
If anybody is daft enough to overtake me whilst I'm on a sliproad (with indicators clearly on) they should'nt moan when they find themselves too close to the side of my trailer as they run out of road - Artics have HUGE blind spots, try to remember that.*

* Yes, and many have a complete arse behind the wheel, I freely accept.
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Rotty said:
Lorry drivers changing lanes regardless of the fact that you are along side them

Lorry drivers blocking two lanes of a motorway while carrying out a 6 mile overtaking manoeuvre

Lorry drivers tailgating despite their much longer stopping distances

Lorry drivers with aggressive attitudes to other road users

Lorry drivers blocking a lane leading up to roadworks , the highway code says merge in turn you muppets

get my point :p

lol funny becuase it's true
iirc (but don't quote me on this) lorrys have SHORTER stopping distances because they have a HIGHER level of contact with the road.
VeNT said:
iirc (but don't quote me on this) lorrys have SHORTER stopping distances because they have a HIGHER level of contact with the road.

Thats true, along with the fact the Moons made of Cheese & the Earth's Flat. :rolleyes:
Anybody who do not restrain their children in cars properly. Every time I see a kid clambering around on the back seat I feel a little bit sick.

Farmers or their employees (not all, mind) who amuse themselves by ignoring areas where they could pull over to let the 30 or so vehicles behind them pass safely, instead stay on the NSL road and count up their rack for the day, much to the enjoyment of other like-minded ***** down the pub that night.

As mentioned before in the post, mud or sillage on the road. I personally would happily pay a few more quid a year on tax if that went towards councils cleaning the roads after a call from a farmer who has made the road dangerous.

Idiots who don't seem to understand that having a "spirited" drive against one another does not mean you can throw the whole book out of the window. The "all or nothing" brigade and those of possessing tiny genitalia and even smaller brain matter who will overtake on a blind bend to prove a point, etc.

Non-acknowledgement of a courteous gesture.

I think I need to listen to some Limp Bizkit and kick a chair, like, really really hard.
VeNT said:
iirc (but don't quote me on this) lorrys have SHORTER stopping distances because they have a HIGHER level of contact with the road.

And they can weigh 30 times or more than your average family car, takes a lot of road to stop 35 - 40 Tons.
1. Cars that have been customised/tuned without any due regard to the automotive principles underlying engine design, suspension, braking, tyres etc etc

2. The drivers of these cars

3. Drivers wearing baseball caps (maybe the same as 2?)

4. Drivers who don't sit centrally in their seat, instead lolloping all over the handbrake........ (maybe the same as 2 and 3?)

5. Drivers with a McBurger in one hand........... (maybe the same as 2, 3 and 4?)

6. Drivers who impede my progress through a lack of observation.........
michael baxter said:
1. Cars that have been customised/tuned without any due regard to the automotive principles underlying engine design, suspension, braking, tyres etc etc

Yep, another one. The holistic modding/tuning approach is a rarity amongst the burger wrappers flying in the carpark breeze.
R124/LA420 said:
He was either Irish, or, had no working speed limiter, or, was going down a steep hill without being smart enough to check his speed.
Perhaps, it was a 7.5 tonne "truck" (Dinky toy) that can easily do 70MPH? - they look like trucks ,but, have no limiter.

If anybody is daft enough to overtake me whilst I'm on a sliproad (with indicators clearly on) they should'nt moan when they find themselves too close to the side of my trailer as they run out of road - Artics have HUGE blind spots, try to remember that.*

* Yes, and many have a complete arse behind the wheel, I freely accept.

I think the lorry was Polish, but I really didn't hang about to find out.

Im actually a bit more up on blind spots and articulated vehicles. I know its not the same but Ive been caravanning since I could drive so things like roundabouts, junctions I can understand, but the point I made about the sliproad is that its nearly a mile and a half long and when you go to overtake, some of these muppets pull right over to stop you.

Another thing I see which annoys me is the overfilling of Diesel tanks by drivers. A friend of mine nearly lost her life because of an idiot farmer spilling a load of Diesel over the road. She ended up sideways into armco after negotiating a roundabout so she was going very slowly. In the crash photos, you can see the huge slick of Diesel over the road.
MrLOL said:
2) blockers. Your in a side street waiting to pull out, theres a gap in the traffic, but the guy at the back of the gap speeds up to close the gap up, as hes driving towards red lights :rolleyes: FFS man, just let the guy out, your going nowhere !

i cba to list all the annoying things that are done by drivers. but the times i do flash or slow down to let people out from a junction, they just bloody sit there!! :mad: now i'll just leave a gap and if they want to go they can or if they dont they can sit there for ages
chopchop - you are allowing, from your side, the other driver the opportunity to pull out, it is ultimately their decision on wether to pull out and should not rely on you letting them out to be the ok to do so.
if they arent the sort of person to pull out quickly then they will wait until a gap is suitable for them.

makes sense to me :]
Morba said:
chopchop - you are allowing, from your side, the other driver the opportunity to pull out, it is ultimately their decision on wether to pull out and should not rely on you letting them out to be the ok to do so.
if they arent the sort of person to pull out quickly then they will wait until a gap is suitable for them.

makes sense to me :]

i leave a big gap and slow down, im sure everyone from the motoring forum would feel that was a big enough gap and would pull out. we're talking say 6 car lengths or more gap at 15mph. no need to rush if your paying attention..
Rotty said:
Lorry drivers with aggressive attitudes to other road user
Rotty said:
the highway code says merge in turn you muppets
can anyone define contradiction for me?
mejinks said:
Its funny you should say that, but I spotted a truck going faster than 56 tonight on the M4. I pulled along side and matched his speed for my curiosity and found he was going a tad over 67mph.
bearing in mind a truck will be doing exactly 56mph whereas your car speedo MUST read fast.
the driver you mention may well have been over the 56 limiter,but not by the amount you mention for this reason alone.
Scooters (How ironic)

People who know the right hand lane is to turn right at the island and go straight on in rush hour to bear some traffic.

People who see you filtering and dont move over, or worse actually move out to get in my way, I see them look in the mirror and do this 99% of the time, its no accident that they are doing it.

People who hog the right lane on either a motorway or dual carriageway and refuse to move in.

No indicators

People who approach me when I am doing the speed limit then stick up my ass and some fools try to even overtake me. Why, its not like you could beat me if I wanted to play ball :/
Suicidal lemming kids when school ends, there's a school I always have to drive past where they just walk as a mass of kids whether the lights are red or green. I can't figure out how they've lived to see secondary school...
Always drive through there slowly, it's just their stupidity and lack of regard for anything else that irritates me really.

People that switch lanes all over the place during the rush hour without indicating and leaving extremely little room to do so.

People who don't indicate on roundabouts.

Tailgaters, do they really have to get everywhere 2 seconds faster than if they'd be sensible? :rolleyes:
The uninsured white tranny van man who reverses into your car.

What the hell do you do? I know it was him who reversed into me crunching my bumper. Can see the paint on the back of his van. If I leave a note I know whats going to happen - he won't contact me, he'll probably key my car.
Haly said:
Suicidal lemming kids when school ends, there's a school I always have to drive past where they just walk as a mass of kids whether the lights are red or green. I can't figure out how they've lived to see secondary school...
Always drive through there slowly, it's just their stupidity and lack of regard for anything else that irritates me really.

And the teenagers that seem to think they look cool by deliberately walking accross the road very slowly with rapidly approaching traffic. It should be made allowable to have your fist hanging out of the window as you skim past one of these cretins.
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