Thinking of getting an EV

It's an interesting topic - personally, I like to keep my cars looking nice and that wouldn't really change whether I was paying for it cash, on PCP, as a company car, as a SS lease or whatever - it's still costing me a lot of money and so i'm not going to treat it like crap - if I wanted to treat a car like crap, i'd be buying a cheap shed for as little as possible.
Every car is a cheap shed in the fullness of time :)
I've never had an expensive car but i have had, for my station in life anyway :cry: fairly nice cars, Honda DC5 when it was 5 years old an an Impreza STi which was 5 years old at the time but i rarely ever washed them and certainly never cared about where i parked them or if someone hit it with a trolley in Tesco's.

If i had the cash to splash on a more expensive car i can't see that changing, to me cars are just a tool for a job be it getting me from A to B or something to do track days in, i personally couldn't care less if its covered in scratches or mud or whatever as long as the fundamental mechanics of the car are good and it's not actively rusting the body work away. It'd still get parked as close as i can or stuffed into a hedge on the tiny lanes near where i live to pass the delivery driver in his battered van.

Saying that i did treat my 14 year old shed to the £7 hand car wash at the local immigrant car wash the other week, first time its been washed in about 5 years i think.
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Not keeping it too clean may mean it get's less theft/break in attention, and, the shiny happy cars aren't parking next to you in supermarket afraid of dings.
Over thinking stuff kid.

From a car company perspective I know a full range of people how they treat their cars. “It’s not mine” seems to extend from ‘so who cares’ to ‘I best look after’.
Our previous salesman was quite impressive with how much damage he could do to a brand new car within 12 months.

One of the sales directors at a company I deal with is the same, its like the car spends its life in downtown baghdad :p

My company car gets pampered for 2-3 years then the final year its normally picked up that many chips that its just not worth bothering with, in the last month it normally gets a full front end paint and all the wheels get tidied up. I may not be paying for it, but its still my car for the term.
I can't say I wash/wax my car as often as I should , maybe once every few months in summer and once in total over winter
my wife's car I wash even less. this is me owning our cars.

it would be the same if I leased or have a company car. dents , damage and other stuff however I would be careful with them regardless of who owned the vehicle. a bit of muck is ok, it washes off and no one is the wiser but physical damage isn't. who owns the car is irrelevant to me.

that said wear and tear happens.
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Not keeping it too clean may mean it get's less theft/break in attention, and, the shiny happy cars aren't parking next to you in supermarket afraid of dings.

Confirmed, as seen from my workhorse mobile :D

Inside it looks pretty clean and un-worn, but I left the dents on the outside and haven't bothered sanding/polishing my paint repairs on it so it has random Matt patches. Gets washed maybe twice a year. I've seen people park next to me, take a look and move lol.

Not having to worry about the car is pretty liberating tbh.
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Not having to worry about the car is pretty liberating tbh.
this v true . I went from having cars I loved, to having a work horse that whilst mechanically looked after I was not precious over , and now back to a nice car again, and I forgot how stressful I find it having what for me is a significant portion of my lovely hood tied into it

not enough to not own it .... but there are times parked in dodgy areas or driving down some overgrown barely fit for vehicles narrow road that I wish I was in my old (1st gen) nissan QQ

(or just last weekend driving for 90mins with an 8 year old with deli belly with a sick bucket in the back
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this v true . I went from having cars I loved, to having a work horse that whilst mechanically looked after I was not precious over , and now back to a nice car again, and I forgot how stressful I find it having what for me is a significant portion of my lovely hood tied into it

not enough to not own it .... but there are times parked in dodgy areas or driving down some overgrown barely fit for vehicles narrow road that I wish I was in my old (1st gen) nissan QQ

(or just last weekend driving for 90mins with an 8 year old with deli belly with a sick bucket in the back
Don't you own your iPace tho? You only answer to yourself. My E43 has some rashes from people parking poorly next to it, when I lived without a driveway. It is just part of its story. It isn't like I am selling it anytime soon. I feel liberated vs. previous cars where I'd chase every stone chip etc. It is my work horse that is maintained to the highest standard; but I'm not getting brain fog over body work.

Interior is also spot on and immaculate, as that's in my control.
I’ve got a similar (ish) situation to the OP and would welcome some advice.

I’m changing the location of my job and will have access to an electric charger I don’t have to pay for, this has got me thinking about leasing a new electric astra for £2000 down and £168 a month for 2 years.

Current car is a 20 year old Audi A3 i bought new and have always done very low mileage in, 84,000 from new. It’s been written off once for a cosmetic damage no fault accident and bought back from insurance company. I’m on the original clutch and exhaust, it’s been so good to me but there’s got to be some big bills coming soon.

I’ve not replaced it because I’ve never been able to justify the cost but now i think I can.

Total cost of the astra over 2 years is going to be roughly £5k and I can even claim for the little work mileage I do to bring this down.

Total estimated cost of the Audi is roughly £3k taking into account upkeep, tax and petrol.

Am i mad to not make the jump?

Last year saw me spend £500 or so on rear calipers, i’m now worried about the front.

It’s the original clutch, can’t be much more to go on it?

All orginal exhaust, surely something has to go on that soon, what if it’s the cat?

Maybe I’m being overly pessimistic but that worry is in the back of my mind.

When it was written of a couple of years ago the insurance company gave me £1300 for it and I bought it back for about £100! In summary the car has very little value left in it other than it’s reliability and low cost to run, that’s what i’m worried I’ll lose if I hold on to it for much longer.
After my earlier comments about SS benefits of new car with EU break-down included - thought this was an interesting thread on what you wouldn't get with tesla

Tesla's breakdown service however is nothing like as comprehensive as others. I've never required additional breakdown cover for Europe on any new car, until get the MY. All others offered full European cover.

You're foolish to assume all cars provide the same level of breakdown cover. IIRC my BMW and Jaguars had quite different levels of European cover.
Tesla make it quite clear what they cover and what they don't. It seems people just don't plan anymore and would rather have a whinge on a forum when something preventable goes wrong.
i must admit that is really weird, you would think tesla assistence would be better features not worse.. they should just give 3 years AA assistance with a new car purchase, its not like it is a lot on the purchase price, or even just offer nothing at all, after all fairly basic bank account packages come with euro road recovery and travel insurance.

bottom line, no one should be going on a european road trip without making sure they have decent break down cover!.

for the record... by all accounts Jaguar assistance that comes with their car is superb. i never had to use it however and....... (possibly i will regret it) i didnt pay for it on my extended jaguar warranty so i guess i will never get to find out directly.
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The breakdown cover that comes with my car (Tesla) or with my lease contract will not recover/repatriate any trailers attached to the car should it break down despite it having a factory fitted tow bar as part of the lease.

So I’ve actually got 3 breakdown policies available to me on one car. At least I can race them should it need them.
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