So a little update from me, a few weeks after being in Portugal and I've been offered a job working for a medium-ish size company. I had two excellent interviews. In both I was repeatedly told that they're not a Portuguese company, their head office is in Geneva. And as such, my lack of Portuguese would not be held against me as it is mandatory to speak English in this company.
During the interview we pre-agree on €1500 net per month as a salary. This may not sound like much, but in Portugal this is an absolute fortune. Considering the minimum wage is 1/3rd of this and that generally speaking you can live a very very good life on around €800-900 a month. Also in PT pretty much everyone is on a 6 month renewable contract, it's standard here.
Fast forward to Friday. I get an offer for the job but for €1000 gross per month. To save anyone doing the maths, after all the taxes this works out at €860ish, then we add a few extras (we get a food allowance, travel allowance and on call money) and it comes in at just under €1000
I email them to say thanks for the offer but can they clarify just why its such a significantly lower amount than we discussed.
They tell me that even though I have all the skills and more, a great personality and attitude...the lack of Portuguese is a disadvantage.
This left me feeling very angry and more so...disappointed. To be repeatedly told and reassured that something specific was not a disadvantage, and then they use that to leverage LESS money. Well...I told them I'll take the weekend to think about it, I needed to calm down.
So late last night I sent an email back saying I accept but I want the salary increased to €1200 gross per month I tried the sympathy vote that we have just signed an agreement on an apartment and even though I would be paying more tax (this was another justification for the lower salary from them) that the overall take home would still be better and every little helps. I thought about reinforcing how totesamazaballs my skills are but decided against it as they've already accepted this both face to face and over email. So tried the sympathy route as well.
I also asked if it could be put as part of the contract that upon renewal after 6 months that my salary also be reviewed. I stated to them that during this time I intend to study Portuguese everyday (which always was the intention anyway) with the eventual goal of becoming fluent, so during this time I should reduce any disadvantage I have as much as possible.
They've just replied, offering me €1100. I expected them to meet in the middle, so that's ok. Still not what I expected but hey, it's a 6 month contract.
They also said that they will review the salary etc at the point of renewal but not add it as a clause to the contract. Legally it makes things more complicated for everyone and gives me further grounds to give them the finger if they don't meet my demands.
I can understand this. Why should some expat be dictating under what terms he wants to work when its an employers market?
So now I am going to accept and see how it goes. If after 6 months I either don't like it or they try some other ******** justification to not increase the wage to what I'm worth, I'll just walk away. By that point my Portuguese will be less of a problem to me and other companies so I'll have less problems finding a job anyway.
Ahhhh fun and games.