Got to let the recruiter know if I want the Amsterdam job on Monday... still waiting to hear back about internal promotions
Great pay, but got to move away from wife and child for 2 years or hope I get the internal job. I feel sick.
Exploding offers suck - does he know you've got other things you're waiting to hear back from? I guess unlike alternative external offer you can't exactly hurry up the internal ones by mentioning rival offers.
On the other hand if you feel like you can't say yes to it on Monday don't feel the need to turn it down or say no, instead just tell him you need more time and can't make a decision now. It is entirely possible that the deadline set is arbitrary - there is nothing to be gained from saying no to it unless you really don't want it anymore, it might well turn out that you get more time to wait for the internal offers anyway.
40hrs, 8-4pm
I’ve thought about travelling on the weekends but I’d still need to get back and forth to the airport either side so circa £500pcm on travel to do that :/
Honestly don’t know what to do.
Ask them to pay for flights too? I guess perhaps better asked earlier on in the process....
I mean technically everything is negotiable it isn't exactly unheard of for a consultant/independent contractor based in the UK to charge for flights back and forth each week, hotel costs when over there and of course expenses or a per diem amount for meals etc.. too. In fact it is absolutely standard for that sort of thing if said consultant is part of a consultancy or consulting arm of some firm.
On the other hand if the expectation so far has been that you're going to relocate - they're expecting to either hire someone locally or someone who is going to move there then I guess it would be trickier to spring it on them now... unless you're their star candidate and they don't have other options.
Not exactly uncommon at the tech firm I worked at a while ago for consultants to do Monday afternoon -> Friday lunchtime somewhere in continental Europe. Obvs they'd work a bit later than usual Monday-Thursday since they only have a hotel room a couple of minutes walk from the office to go back to.
Ridiculous number of air miles and hotel points accumulated too, most of them never needed to pay for any Family holidays and probably won't be paying for holidays for several years after they finished either.
Ref the above comment by Delvis - not to put a downer on things but, anecdotally, one thing that was observed was that quite a few of them seemed to be divorced or in the process of getting divorced. The company did have a reputation for sending people on site for say 6 months and then ending up with them staying there for say 3, 4 years etc.. and I'm not sure that flights home every weekend were always standard. I think if your partner isn't moving with you then flights back each weekend and/or her +kids coming out to see you are certainly worth the extra effort as this sort of thing can put a strain on a relationship. Ditto to say being offered an extension of the contract etc... if this has been pitched to her as just a two year thing to earn more money for the family then be wary when it comes to the end of that two year period if the company says they want you to renew/extend for another year etc.. offering more $$$ etc..