I had a proper OK Boomer moment at work the other day. Was in a meeting and all the old dudes were complaining that, when the people in our building (I say ours but I still haven't been back in
) are getting less space and having screens removed. So no more dual monitor setups etc. People kicked off and were like, seriously? WTF? The new monitors are all **** as well. People, I think rightly frustrated.
The people in this meeting were like, they should be lucky they're not losing their jobs in the layoffs. They're lucky to have jobs. Lucky to have an office as nice as ours... I was like, huh? So, we don't need to consider the level of expectation for workers? Just tell them, at least they have aircon, unlike some offices people work in? **** me.
If there is more scope, I would, but only if that scope for progression was documented. I've been stung before with false promises.