This Business and Moment...

6 months in on my new role and not massively happy :(

Gave it a try but feeling like shouldn’t have left my last place.
Job not what you thought it was?
So it’s a pretty ‘standard’ job role, it should be largely the same where ever you do it.

But not necessarily feeling the corporate culture or liking the lack of support it feels I have here. Along with administration issues still going on since I joined.

Which all doesn’t instill you with the upmost of confidence.

It’s tricky as can easily sit here and say I shouldn’t have left my old place (was there a long time, had a good reputation etc), but even then I wasn’t happy there anymore due to how they were changing the role (to make up for deficiencies in other areas of the business).

Plus side is skills are in demand so will see what’s out there.
Difficult and painful week. I won't go into the details but simply put it's a business vs IT railroad smash at work and yours truly had to sort it out. Consequently I have people already trying to sweet talk me into extending (and that's a 1.5+ months until the end of my contract).
But often it is greener and one just needs to adjust. I recall hating a job I moved to because I was well outside of my comfort zone. After a few months I found I was enjoying it. I had adapted.

After going contract I have gotten used to jobs changing every few months. I would much rather this than go stale as a lifer at the place I completed my apprenticeship.
More is lost through indecision than wrong decision. People who just stay because "the grass isn't always greener" are also the ones who don't progress and then wonder why they're on the same money as they were 5yrs ago

Why do people have to earn more money? Why can't they be comfortable in a job where the employer isn't crap. Sometimes people are forced to apply for other jobs that they might not like. You can't keep searching for ever when circumstances chance at no fault of your own.

What annoys me it’s the same fundamental root cause in every company that still sees business and technology a distinct, unrelated parts of a company whose business is actually 100% technology based.

This grinds my gears. I've worked for multiple companies where without technology they can't run yet they not willing to invest making it better.
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Why do people have to earn more money? Why can't they be comfortable in a job where the employer isn't crap. Sometimes people are forced to apply for other jobs that they might not like. You can't keep searching for ever when circumstances chance at no fault of your own.
Ah I see, you're the lifer. That's fine. You stay in your comfort zone if that's what suits you. Your 30k salary will be worth less and less each year, so you'll be worse off every year, but if that's fine with you, go for it.

I love to learn and cannot just keep doing the same thing, over and over again, for years. If you can, that's great. As I learn, I grow and have more expertise, which I appreciate being paid for, because I'm more valuable.

I'll take my way and salary over yours, but appreciate everyone has a different view point.
Ah I see, you're the lifer. That's fine. You stay in your comfort zone if that's what suits you. Your 30k salary will be worth less and less each year, so you'll be worse off every year, but if that's fine with you, go for it.

Why wouldn't anyone want to be comfortable. What's it got to do with you?

You can't like a job you hate. :)

I hope you never get into a position where your circumstances chance at no fault of your own. Like your health for example.... Something you can't always fix.
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I hope you never get into a position where your circumstances chance at no fault of your own. Like your health for example.... Something you can't always fix.
I don't stress the things I can't control. I just deal with them when they happen. I find my fulfillment in many ways. Often it's working and learning new things. I feel more than adequately prepared for any change of circumstances, because I constantly learn and get better. I don't fear losing my job. I don't fear not being able to do stuff, because I'm confident I can create value in so many ways, and also fulfil myself both in and outside of work.

Comfort is where growth dies.

If you're not being challenged, you may as well be going backwards.

Like I said, if you like to be comfortable and not challenge yourself and learn and improve, then that's fine. The world needs a mix of people.
I keep telling people the grass isn’t always greener on the other side.

I did the same back in 2014.

It was a mistake.

It can happen but rarely. That said, you don't progress further in life if you don't take risks and try something new. I took a risk, tried something new and left the job after 3 months because the job wasn't for me.

If I didn't take risks, like moving away from the UK. Then I be in the same job for 15 years, having tiny pay rises which get completely wiped out by rise of cost of living.

Since 2019, I have had four jobs and increased my yearly salary by 48K. Would never happen if I stayed in the same job for years.

Then you have my best friend, works in an factory, unskilled manual labour job and has been there for about 12 years, previously he worked at well known bookstore for 8 years on the shop tills.

Yes, its comfortable for him because its easy, zero stress job. All you need to know is how to count and lift heavy bags of money. But its an minimum wage job which will be at risk of automation in a few years.

I have warned him to get his ship together, as when automation steps in and his P45 comes through the post. He will struggle to find another job because he gained no useful skills throughout the 20 years of employment due to staying in his comfort zone and never took any risks or even picked up a new useful employable skill.
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I keep telling people the grass isn’t always greener on the other side.

I did the same back in 2014.

It was a mistake.

But what's tha alternative? Sit somewhere and get swept along whether you like it or not?

It's not always greener no, and in my specific instance it probably wasn't, but there are plenty greener places out there so I'll likely move on.

Whilst this move hasn't been great, staying in my original role wasn't really an option. I was unhappy, the business wasn't going in the right direction for me so I needed a change.

I could have sat there and took the many bags of money they paid me but I'd have been getting more and more miserable.

It's not like I'm being made to do anything I hate now, quite the opposite I've got an incredibly easy life and getting paid handsomly for it.

I certainly wouldn't get to where I am now career wise by staying put somewhere for life.

But everyone's different and wants to do different things, no right or wrong answer.
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A beer with a mate last night might have led to starting a thing... he had an opportunity, but doesn't know how to make it happen. I know how to make it happen. It's now happening. It's a SUPER niche problem space / market. There are only 10 customers worldwide and we know who they are. I'll go into more when we've finished testing the feasibility tests I setup with a developer this morning :D:D Mate has sat on this idea for 4yrs, I have had 12hrs :cry:
Congratulations on passing the exams.

I did the PER prior to finishing my final, I knew I wanted nothing else holding me back for that last paper.

I've been qualified just under a year, so this year I'll need to focus on getting some CPD under my belt.

Still think I should've gone down the management accounting route with CIMA but with ACCA it doesn't appear to have held me back in that regard.

That's very sensible, i think it took me about 2 years from doing my last exam to doing the PER :p

A few months ago i got the letter to say i'm now a "Fellow", don't think it does anything other than charge me extra every year (or at least charge my company extra...)
Got my bloods certification through a day or so back. Along with access to the blood bank fridges to take blood products to wards, it means I can now officially rush blood/FFP/cryo to theatres when a major haemorrhage shout goes up.
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