This Business and Moment...

That's very sensible, i think it took me about 2 years from doing my last exam to doing the PER :p

A few months ago i got the letter to say i'm now a "Fellow", don't think it does anything other than charge me extra every year (or at least charge my company extra...)

I think I'm very much the odd one out on that front!

Yeah I think fellow comes with being qualified x number of years. Like yourself, it'll be a fee that's covered by the company I work for, thankfully.
I think I'm very much the odd one out on that front!

Yeah I think fellow comes with being qualified x number of years. Like yourself, it'll be a fee that's covered by the company I work for, thankfully.

Yeah, 5 years it seems.

Can't say the whole thing has given me much beyond some letters, although i accept i'm fairly unique in that i'm a systems accountant so don't really do much actual accounting :p
I've just recruited someone and they've signed the contract. Don't start until March unfortunately, but it's a massive relief our work is mounting up. The person I'm hiring is well know in our sector and in the type of work we do, a couple of my colleagues found out who it was and said "how the hell did you manage to land them here?" - in a positive way, they are well liked and revered and successful at what they do and everybody likes that person - and isn't full of hot air. Everyone is now excited about them joining - no pressure then on delivering more than I have!! :D :D

It does feel nice expanding the team though, it feels we're going to be able to have more of an impact, and allows me to focus on the more strategic elements which I'm better at rather than get distracted with some of the more tactical elements - although I must admit I enjoy!
I "pass" probation at my new gig tomorrow - 3 months has absolutely flown by and we are making ridiculous progress considering the start we were given. The current IT hiring freeze etc isn't helping, originally meant to be a team of 5 including a manager is now a team of two with the manager covering US LATAM and me the full of EMEA when I was meant to be doing UK&I. Great exposure to senior management, particularly on the product side, has made the move well worth it before even taking the increased comp into consideration. Going to be out at Kubecon in April if anyone is about for a beer!
Just handed in my notice. Feels kinda bad, small company, and real nice, interesting change of scenery, but not for me. Going back to a lead role in a big studio.
Was out with my team last night for a meal. Our boss said he's happy we finally got a good team. Then found out myself later on that night, I am not the only person looking to leave!

Hoping the market will pick up again soon so I can do the same @mid_gen
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Managed to land the offshore job I applied for, which means that by the end of the month, I should be working as a mechanical technician on an FPSO off Aberdeen. I’ll be working 3 weeks on, 3 weeks off which some people in this industry complain about, but I’ve been typically spending 7-8 months out of every year at sea working in the shipping industry as an engineering officer on LNG carriers, with each trip typically lasting 3-4 months, with only 2-2 & 1/2 months off before heading back out, so for me this represents a massive improvement.

Looking forward to having more time with the family, especially when you consider that I didn’t meet my daughter until she was 2 months old thanks to a combination of COVID and my current, soon to be former employer lying to me. It’s a rather nice bump in the money too, which will be more than welcome with the current state of the economy.
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Occasionally reminded the problems of being in a people management role with no actual people skills :s usually get by with a bit of talking people around but had someone tonight who was being unreasonable and uncooperative and I had no read on them or any structure or clue for how to deal with the situation - couldn't tell if they were just taking the ****, needed things explained to them, having a bad day or maybe from their perspective things didn't seem so unreasonable or what - I ended up being pretty blunt without any tact and taking a "it's my way or the highway" position - especially as I'd been called in early with disrupted sleep I had pretty much zero patience with the situation.
Occasionally reminded the problems of being in a people management role with no actual people skills :s usually get by with a bit of talking people around but had someone tonight who was being unreasonable and uncooperative and I had no read on them or any structure or clue for how to deal with the situation - couldn't tell if they were just taking the ****, needed things explained to them, having a bad day or maybe from their perspective things didn't seem so unreasonable or what - I ended up being pretty blunt without any tact and taking a "it's my way or the highway" position - especially as I'd been called in early with disrupted sleep I had pretty much zero patience with the situation.
General rule for leadership, if you're in an emotional state (angry, tired, frazzled for whatever reason) and about to say something, take a second to CHECK YOSELF and take a timeout if you're about to vent at/to people you shouldn't :p

Can be easier said than done at times!
First post here in a long time.

Just been offered a perm role at the place I've been contracting for the last 10.5 months. Salary + Average Bonus would put me at c75% of my FTC rate, 10 additional days holiday, better pension, etc etc.

Job role isn't particularly well defined, they've essentially created a job out of nothing as they don't want to lose me. There is a ton of stuff that needs fixing, and I'd be expected to get involved but I'm sitting outside of the structure where the problems are so things are likely to operate on a more peer-to-peer basis than me having the decision making power which isn't ideal.

Last 10 months have been great though, feel like I still have a ton of value to add and there are some challenging / exciting projects coming up that will look great on the CV while keeping me engaged.

Think I'm going to take it.
First post here in a long time.

Just been offered a perm role at the place I've been contracting for the last 10.5 months. Salary + Average Bonus would put me at c75% of my FTC rate, 10 additional days holiday, better pension, etc etc.

Job role isn't particularly well defined, they've essentially created a job out of nothing as they don't want to lose me. There is a ton of stuff that needs fixing, and I'd be expected to get involved but I'm sitting outside of the structure where the problems are so things are likely to operate on a more peer-to-peer basis than me having the decision making power which isn't ideal.

Last 10 months have been great though, feel like I still have a ton of value to add and there are some challenging / exciting projects coming up that will look great on the CV while keeping me engaged.

Think I'm going to take it.
Less money for more headaches? :D
4 months into my fully remote role that I took on as part of us moving location (moved from near London up to Yorkshire, previous role required me to be in the office).

Just not really feeling it, it's quite a difference from previous roles having worked in internally facing IT teams and now have joined a consultancy. Was promised the prospect of working with huge clients on big projects but 4 months in I'm just sat around on the bench doing training and managing my team. Updated my CV and Linkedin and already seen some interesting roles so I'm most likely not going to try and stick it out in this current role, it's been interesting to see how an IT consulting company operates but it's enough to know it probably isn't for me :D.

Quite nice to have a new job market to look around rather than just being London focused, lots going on in Leeds.
General rule for leadership, if you're in an emotional state (angry, tired, frazzled for whatever reason) and about to say something, take a second to CHECK YOSELF and take a timeout if you're about to vent at/to people you shouldn't :p

Can be easier said than done at times!

I wasn't venting or angry, I asked twice in a reasonable manner and got a very uncooperative response, the third time basically gave them a very blunt ultimatum of do it how I was asking (company standard) or go back to their manager and explain why I'd sent them packing with the job undone - I was however tired and grumpy and made no effort to try and reason with them at that point which someone with people skills might have.

It is just that personally I had no read on the situation in that there didn't seem to be any reason for their behaviour which I could fathom and the only explanation I could see was that they were being unreasonable and in an effort to save themselves 30 seconds of fixing a mistake on their part they'd rather put everyone else to not insignificant extra effort. But not being able to see it from their perspective leaves me questioning whether there was a more reasonable explanation for the way they were behaving from their perspective - which someone with actual people skills might have understood and handled better.

Anyhow it has been pointed out to me they were beforehand issued with a risk assessment which includes very explicit instructions which are exactly how I was asking them to do it so everyone is quite puzzled including management and on my side - the thinking seems to be that they are used to getting their own way and not used to people standing up to them.
I wasn't venting or angry, I asked twice in a reasonable manner and got a very uncooperative response, the third time basically gave them a very blunt ultimatum of do it how I was asking (company standard) or go back to their manager and explain why I'd sent them packing with the job undone - I was however tired and grumpy and made no effort to try and reason with them at that point which someone with people skills might have.

It is just that personally I had no read on the situation in that there didn't seem to be any reason for their behaviour which I could fathom and the only explanation I could see was that they were being unreasonable and in an effort to save themselves 30 seconds of fixing a mistake on their part they'd rather put everyone else to not insignificant extra effort. But not being able to see it from their perspective leaves me questioning whether there was a more reasonable explanation for the way they were behaving from their perspective - which someone with actual people skills might have understood and handled better.

Anyhow it has been pointed out to me they were beforehand issued with a risk assessment which includes very explicit instructions which are exactly how I was asking them to do it so everyone is quite puzzled including management and on my side - the thinking seems to be that they are used to getting their own way and not used to people standing up to them.
There are many, many reasons why said employee acted poorly, and whatever it is, it will be completely valid, maybe their kid kept them up all night, maybe the person they have to work with insulted their hamster, who knows. People aren't robots.

In the short term, pulling rank and ordering them to get on with it might get the task done, but at best kicked the can down the road, at worst exacerbated the problem. You'll need to have a private chat and get to the bottom of the issue.
There are many, many reasons why said employee acted poorly, and whatever it is, it will be completely valid, maybe their kid kept them up all night, maybe the person they have to work with insulted their hamster, who knows. People aren't robots.

That's dubious, that there might be something impacting on someone's mood or stress levels isn't necessarily a valid excuse for bad behaviour towards others. Everyone has some degree of agency re: how they behave and treat others in the workplace and not everything is valid, sometimes people are ****s.
There are many, many reasons why said employee acted poorly, and whatever it is, it will be completely valid, maybe their kid kept them up all night, maybe the person they have to work with insulted their hamster, who knows. People aren't robots.

In the short term, pulling rank and ordering them to get on with it might get the task done, but at best kicked the can down the road, at worst exacerbated the problem. You'll need to have a private chat and get to the bottom of the issue.

This was the kind of thing I was worried about, which someone with actual people skills might have been able to understand and handle better, but it seems to boil down to someone just having a bit of a bad attitude towards other people and used to getting their own way (it isn't someone I've had much contact with in the past). As dowie says whatever the reasoning it isn't always a valid reason to act a certain way at work.
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