This Business and Moment...

22 Oct 2008
Lisburn, Northern Ireland
That's awesome! Just got one from Amazon, £80 from £120. Charges my lappy twice. What's yours retail at? Linky? Forum discount? lol.

The max output is 22.5W so not enough for a laptop, this is aimed at those going camping or to a weekend festival with a lot of people to charge phones with. 8-10 charges of a phone from one of these :)
The smaller capacity 30k one is 100W output rated so will do a laptop. The 60k beast is for multiple phone charges primarily :) Genuine 60k capacity too, no faking it.
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22 Mar 2008
Interview was surprisingly tough. Some of the questions asked specifically to give examples from previous roles, which is really tough given that I've been in my current role for 7 years!

I was definitely expecting an easier interview since I've worked with all 3 people on the panel for the past 7 years daily. Still, I think it went well overall.
Should know more in a couple of weeks - at this point I just want to know if I have the job and hence need to start planning for the move to US ... or if I don't have that role, then to restart looking for a new external opportunity here in London in order to progress in my career.

Still waiting to know more.

It's really strange when all 3 managers who were om the interview panel, are acting as if I already have that job in terms of the things they are expecting me to be doing.
To be fair - I've always sort of done that job, ever since the ex, ex guy who has that role.

Still... it would be good to finally know what I'm doing with my life!

In other news, one of the team in the US (who would work for me if I got that job), has taken medical leave due to stress - a week after being told by our overall senior manager that they are not performing at the level as expected.

Unfortunately, that person was also working for me on my current project that I lead, so I'm now a person down - and will basically have to pickup what they were doing fully myself if I want to keep things on track.
Glad to know that I can keep outputing the same amount of work as 4 people :)
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Man of Honour
21 Nov 2004
So I’ve finished for my 9 1/2 week summer holiday. I just wish it hadn’t finished on such a cliff hanger. Big job coming up in the next year or so that I don’t really want or need, but almost have no choice but to take since my best mate is stepping down and he wants me to take over and I also don’t trust anyone else to do it. It would also require moving that I’m also not really up for, having gotten our current house exactly where I want it. It would be crazy money, that by the end of the contract (10-15 years) I could go part time or retire, but I don’t exactly need the money now anyway.
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