Steeps;30483567 said:Congrats! Now can you fix my work Sharepoint account, setup Azure for me and work out why my Band 1 won't sync with a Lumia 930?
Phate;30483584 said:I've got a serious dilemma now guys.
Do I tell work I plan on buying a Nintendo Switch?
Fraternising with the enemy...
blairw;30483624 said:Ha! I'd say the majority of my peers use Android / iOS for their company phone. (The office365 apps are very strong on these platforms)
There is a company slack!! channel for gaming that is for all platforms. One of the main themes of this week has been playing nice with open source etc. It's a whole different Microsoft!
blairw;30483673 said:The slack should really move to Microsoft Teams haha! My first bit of advice is embrace yammer. Every question you'd want to ask has likely been asked and answered on there!
Kol;30483614 said:Well done Phate, that's ace news! Many many congrats.
OT, I know I don't post in this thread very often (I'm too busy with work as it is to then talk about it), I spend most of the time reading it but I know a few of you guys have to demo your product, as do I (usually three face to face meetings per day), though I'm presenting to my own clients. I came across this piece earlier and have to say as someone who has a very high client renewal rate- it is spot on.
Randomshenans, I've read quite a lot about you having to demo your platform to your prospects so while I can see it's exploding in popularity and you are experiencing tremendous success, this might help with getting a fraction more of those on board:
randomshenans;30483779 said:Thanks man, massively appreciated I'll 100% read it! Always good to get advice. I always need it! I need to sell more
Basher;30483798 said:It's a good article, def worth a read. My biggest advice on demo's is that you should never try and create a 'standard' one or script it. Customise it to where you are in the sales/buying cycle and who you're talking to. Make sure to frame it in the context of what the outcome is and why that is relevant to that particular person.
Loads of people are scared of demoing too early. Don't be. Just demo appropriately for the stage that you're at. There's nothing wrong with using a demo as the basis for a discovery conversation - just as long as it's done right and not about features/functionality.
Phate;30483855 said:Just got confirmation. Microsoft want me to begin ASAP.
Contract being generated overnight. Handing in my notice tomorrow to sort a start date out. They want me in 2 weeks if possible!
Diagro;30484304 said:No one cares about Lil old me beating experienced teachers to a job when I'm still in training.
Oh I'm In need of someone to say well done!
Pay attention to me!
Diagro;30484304 said:No one cares about Lil old me beating experienced teachers to a job when I'm still in training.
Oh I'm In need of someone to say well done!
Pay attention to me!
Diagro;30484304 said:No one cares about Lil old me beating experienced teachers to a job when I'm still in training.
Oh I'm In need of someone to say well done!
Pay attention to me!
Dis86;30484602 said:Sorry to pee on your parade but that's pretty common.
Reason being - you're cheap.
Diagro;30484730 said:
Yea I went in hoping this would be the case.
Also it seems they want to convert from their old ict curriculum to computer science. That's my subject so hopefully I can help them make the change.
All the other candidates moaned about the students behaviour and how hard it was to control them during their interview lessons. I found them very easy to manage.
I can't wait!