This Business and Moment...

A positive note here as well - got into work today to find I've been given a bonus for having no sick days in the last financial year. Not a huge amount but not to be sniffed at either.

Not sorry for the recognition for that as there was 3 weeks near the start of the year that were pretty rough and I could easily have taken off.
Went for an interview this morning for a PM contract role at Novartis. Don't really want it, but hey, it's short term. Completely different part of the business but what building do they take me to? Yep, my old building I tried 6yrs to leave ha was fairly informal for an interview, I'll see how it went next week anyway. Would stop the wife worrying but get in the way of my nice relaxed schedule. I'm enjoying no "work" even though I'm busier than ever, it's nice to be on my schedule.
Best of luck!

I spent time reading up on crypto and ICOs this morning which led me reading into Path...sounds like a solid idea to me. I'll be following it very closely :)
Finally got through and signed contract for my new role! So that's the next 12 months sorted. Meeting already planned in two weeks time to outline what they want me to achieve and what I expect of them - manager is already planning out a 24 month development framework for the role so looks likely I'll be here even longer!

Just need Barclay's to hurry up and sort banking out then it'll be business as usual!

Other half had two interviews yesterday for two different specialisms within the NHS Scientist Training Program 2018 intake. The fact she got through to two interviews is no small feat in itself! She didn't seem overly confident with them, but it's a notoriously hard and competitive course to get in to - I reckon she'll have done fine though, I know how smart she is and her personality and work ethics match up so well with that they are after! Fingers crossed but won't find out until June / July though! Just needs to crack on with her thesis now and get that nailed down over Summer...
Great news! I like great news in here.

I had a recruiter want to put me forward for a role in Zurich, which I don't think I can be arsed to do. It's a great rate but I just don't want to commute 3hrs a day.
What certs do you recommend I pick up to get into an IT support role? I've worked in IT in the past but I have no qualifications. I used to do 2nd line fault fixing and user creation/administration in Active Directory/Microsoft Exchange. I learned on the job and I'm by no means an enthusiast so my broader knowledge is poor and I could only do what my job role required - fix things and create/manage users. Support roles look broader than that so getting trained up seems sensible. Any suggestions?
What certs do you recommend I pick up to get into an IT support role? I've worked in IT in the past but I have no qualifications. I used to do 2nd line fault fixing and user creation/administration in Active Directory/Microsoft Exchange. I learned on the job and I'm by no means an enthusiast so my broader knowledge is poor and I could only do what my job role required - fix things and create/manage users. Support roles look broader than that so getting trained up seems sensible. Any suggestions?

I'm going through the samething, I have been working in IT for over 15 years and the only qualifications I had were from GNVQ in intermediate and advanced IT. Over the past 18 months I have been studying Microsoft Certs to get myself setup for when I leave my current role.

I have learnt so much which I actually wouldn't normally in my 2nd/3rd line support role.
We lost an advisor yesterday. Not the end of the world, but he's put in some good work up to this point so it's a bit of a pain and I knew it would send the team a bit in a funk. I'm going to try and shake that off though, we have some very good **** on the cards.

Real pain is I haven't been paid from march yet, and so running low on cash and could do with an injection of cash. Not heard back yet from that PM role yet, but also was put forward for an Application Service Management role and the hiring manager is actually a friend and ex boss over here. On top of that I'm meeting another friend's boss Friday about a consulting role with them. Will see how they all pan out but it's coming in a bit more now.

Flying off to London for 24hr tomorrow to present at a blockchain/ HR event. Should be OK. I managed to blag free tickets when it's normally 300quid, so I'm well happy.
Well after the Mrs was all down when she got let go 10 months into a new job (2 months notice paid however she was asked to leave the same day) she now has two solid job offers and perhaps another one incoming on Monday. She's taking it as a blessing in disguise as the last job really did some strange things and she's better off out of there. Panic over.

Great success!
Paying for things can be awkward. You don't get much success with credit or debit cards, everyone pays for almost everything by using Alipay or WeChat using QR codes which I can't use without a Chinese bank account so I have to use cash
So far I'm definitely enjoying it, and glad I made the decision to accept the assignment.

Perhaps asking HSBC on that? Could you not open a UK account and then have it follow you?
No, it has to be a Chinese bank account opened in China.

I could own a Chinese bank account (it's quite simple apparently) and then use that to load an Alipay or WeChat account but for now cash is working out okay. The only real pain is that I can't use the shared bicycle systems.
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Anyone have any tips for improving the mood of the working environment? I work in a medium sized office of around 50 staff. There's a few individuals that are constantly berating the business and targetting specific people, I get the impression, since they moan about others to me, they no doubt moan to others about me also.

I'm generally a positive guy in the workplace and can understand that not everything is perfect and ultimately, if it were, we'd be out of jobs anyway. But it's difficult to stay motivated and focused when the people around you are miserable and annoying.

It's not as though I can get away from it as they're on the same team as me and come to me to offload.
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