Thanks. I didn't want an overly fancy website, just something simple with what the company offers and what area we cover, plus a list of certifications we hold and an 'info' contact email address. Then some loose spiel about previous clients we have both worked for on individual contracts, such as migration x amount of people from Exchange 2010 to 2016 or something along those lines, couple of simple lines. I have thought about putting a blog on there as I wouldn't mind going for Vexpert perhaps down the line and I know my 'business partner' is interested in doing similar for this Cisco certs. He's also wanting to set up a teaching company, teaching CCNA and CCNP, we may pool it all into to one but we don't want to bite off more than we can chew!
I've already done work for small clients, whose designs and proposals have won praise compared to extremely large organisations such as DXC, Microsoft etc. We want to be fast and agile, not having to be tied down to the corporate nonsense larger organisations bring.