Are you trying to significantly increase salary? (beyond next +4k step?) what will accelerate salary quickest, new role or current one?
Can you take the new role and as a side project develop IT skills? (means more money +in future developing skills /looking elsewhere?)
I have no idea about IT field so just floating ideas.
Never really know .what I want to do job wise, so seeing a similar job, closer to home and more money seemed like a good idea, as I'm poor at the moment, money is tight whilst the wife builds up her own business.
I don't believe my current role is going to go anywhere now salary wise other than standard inflation after having staff redundancies and pay scale chats taking place (what place doesn't have pay scales / brackets?) But there isn't any more room in the new place to progress job wise other than taking over the managers role should they quit.
Always room/time to do other side work, I draw in my personal time atm and would welcome commissions from that but haven't had any yet. IT wise I can always train up but I struggle knowing what to sink money into as I have no money as it is.
I have been made aware of another role elsewhere which is interesting, but I'm unaware of the salary at the moment untill the end of the week