most sad to see undermined? communities, parents sitting in a street talking to each other whilst the kids play, everyone knowing who there neighbours are on the whole street etc.
Things I remember from my childhood that got wiped out because life is too busy now, productivity is king
Business grind became more important than family life and with it most of our working class culture disappeared, countries are ran like a business to benefit the business owners, we basically live in a modern slavery where you must work as many hours as possible and have no time left for anything else.
our society is literally crap unless your in the top 40% and even then people live beyond their means and basically have the same crap grind with a few perks like more holidays, a bigger car and a better house.
Did working Sundays really make people lives better? maybe at first the extra days money seemed nice, but society declined as a whole because of things like that and basically our culture eroded away as people don't have time for the important things in life.
Queuing seems to be dying pretty fast, as does please and thank you.
I see the new culture is clearing your throat extremely loudly in public and spitting, or blowing your nose at gale force winds
@Zenduri omg gammon for having an opinion? were you live BOY??? I'm from Bulwell, we all gammons there right