This Instant And Moment - 2019!

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Hey @Raymond Lin don't suppose I can pick your brain about hotels for NYC? I'm sure there was a way on trip advisor ages ago where I could view ones you had rated well but can't remember my log in details :o

My niece is going next year so wanted to help her find a decent place to book :)

(And the more I help the more incentive she will have to bring me back some Hu Kitchen chocolate :D)


Absolutely hammered it down just a minute ago. Is it weird that I'm a summer kind of person but I do love it when I get home and it's silent except for the rain. (I enjoy it now it's not coming in the house :o)
Hey @Raymond Lin don't suppose I can pick your brain about hotels for NYC? I'm sure there was a way on trip advisor ages ago where I could view ones you had rated well but can't remember my log in details :o

My niece is going next year so wanted to help her find a decent place to book :)

(And the more I help the more incentive she will have to bring me back some Hu Kitchen chocolate :D)


Absolutely hammered it down just a minute ago. Is it weird that I'm a summer kind of person but I do love it when I get home and it's silent except for the rain. (I enjoy it now it's not coming in the house :o)

sure, I’ll message you later :)
Woken at 5.50 am by combo of loud high pitch multitone tinnitus and burning left knee pain. Used my quick thought control method to send a retoning pulse down the vagus nerve -cognitive discomfort (from both pain sources) was reduced by 50-60% within 2 seconds. Tinnitus volume remains unchanged, but less aversive. Knee-pain full anaesthesia effect lasted in excess of 4 minutes while sitting stationary, an 8x improvement from 2 weeks ago.
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If you feel suicidal, if you are considering giving up, stop. Talk to someone. Friends. Family. Me. You are loved even if you don't believe it. The world is better with you and things can only get better. You have experiences beyond your wildest dreams waiting for you in your future. Love, happiness, adrenaline. Be there for it. Live it.
Super stressed atm... Drove my sister and I up to dad's (250 miles) yesterday to take him in for a major operation tomorrow. Its touch and go if he will survive the op, but he is up for it and so are they. There will be three teams there, one to do the op and two more in case of complications.

A massive tumour is to be removed... Up until now there has been no other indication that there are any other tumours in his body, no markers and no other lumps on the ct scan.

At the start of the journey my sister said that the new specialist believes it is a carcinoma, which till now they have always said we won't know if it is cancer or not until we get it out.

I went into a momentary daze at that, then saw the traffic light was on Amber. My van does not have rear windows/mirror and I didn't have time to properly check both side mirrors. I'm so used to having berks driving right up close behind me... So made a split desicion to not do an emergency stop for the lights and have someone rear end me (for their sake more than mine) so did the second best wrong thing and sped up a little to make it before red. They changed right before I went through.

This is the last of my worries but I could do without two tickets, one for red light and one for maybe speeding through it.

I do this journey fairly often but I'm not used to having someone else in the van talking about stressful stuff. I don't even normally take the van (little camper for occasional outings) normally I take my even more economical little car.

Then on the A1 there is a 50mph zone that I'm so used to slowing down for, which I did, but I've got this funny feeling I forgot halfway through to stick to 50. Normally I can remember getting to the signs that say national speed limit. So I'm paranoid that I've just picked up 9 points, which may mean a ban as I have 3 points already.

If/when my dad gets out of hospital I'm going to need my license to see him and take turns looking after him.

I'm angry with myself, I pride myself on being a safe driver, I have been in two motor accidents because of other people. I do not ever want to put anyone through what I've been through because of another's carelessness... And I see people all the time driving like total tools, doing silly speeds, texting while driving etc. Now, for two occasions anyway I have become that which I do not like.

I hope my dad makes it, it's not been easy between us, but I love him to bits.
@Threepwood wow, no wonder you're having a stressful time :( I'm sorry to hear about your dad and will be keeping my fingers crossed for you all.

I'm sure the traffic light situation will be fine. I've been in a similar situation a couple of times and nothing came of it.

I only know the A1M not the A1 so can't comment on that road but is it known for the speed cameras actually being on?

Try not to beat yourself up about it though
Threepwood, if you do get a ticket you can appeal it on compassionate exceptional circumstances grounds. You just received a major stressor, it's understandable.

Thank you man, I really appreciate that.

His op is tomorrow at 10am, it is an odd thought thinking there is a chance that I might have seen him for the last time.

The A1 bit is a traffic reduction scheme that has been going on for donkies, past what 10 years? 2 years ago ish they removed the 50 limit southbound but kept it northbound, there is a camera at the start and around the middle. It's not that far south of the A1M. No idea if they are on, never seen any of them flash all these many journeys going past it.

Never seen the white camera at the lights in Norwich before, have searched the net.. I think they are new... The only hit I get is this

From here:

But yeah, no other UK camera Id site comes up with it's Id.

Thank you again Secretspy, fingers crossed :)
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