This Instant And Moment - 2023!

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Got photocard license through post today and I only renewed it online on Thursday.

Got a signature on it. It’s not copied from passport as you sign them now by hand. It’s different to the one on my old photocard.

Where did DVLA get my signature from?
Tea break in the car in the sun (we all do this) organic peanut butter on brown wholemeal,. still reducing body fat and increasing muscle mass, usual 16 HR fast but thinking about doing a 5/2 daily one ? (500 cals on 2 non consecutive days)
What are you trying to achieve?
I Was on.metazipine after losing the plot (ditched it now) speeding up the fat loss, muscle gain, thought I was ok untill I had my analysing scales returned to me, I looked fine but hidden fat had definitely increased, so dealing with it
You tapped the booze on the head? I am day 4 or 5 without drinking and feel totally different.
Spent the morning in occupational health for a blood test (seeing if my Hep.B vaccines have worked), but working at a hospital means the occupational health clinic is basically at work. So after the bloods I moseyed on over to the managers office and was happy to hear I can increase my hours. Doing 10-10 now, 4 on/4 off.
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You tapped the booze on the head? I am day 4 or 5 without drinking and feel totally different.
I would like to say yes, managed a month off the booze then xmas happened, my lowest moment was waking up on the living room floor with my laptop on top of me, must have rolled off the sofa, on two bottles of red a week now i just enjoy the stuff too much and get the life's too short feeling sometimes
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Lying on the sofa trying to tenderise my shoulder with a heat pack. Saw a physio earlier who reckons I've a trapped nerve in my neck/spine causing arm pain.

Going back next Monday to see if his prodding aggravated it or made it better. Ow.
Lying on the sofa trying to tenderise my shoulder with a heat pack. Saw a physio earlier who reckons I've a trapped nerve in my neck/spine causing arm pain.

Going back next Monday to see if his prodding aggravated it or made it better. Ow.
I was hoping you felt better as you have given me a dodgy shoulder now. Sorry I offered you a pint tbh!
At some point in time one overclockers member online today will be the last one alive of todays members on the forums, wonder what date that will be and who it will be ? live your best life and all that maybe, and power to the Pinotage grape
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