This Instant And Moment - 2024!

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✔ Phone storage backup to SSD complete
✔ C drive system image to SSD complete
✔ M drive synchro to SSD complete

I can now rest easy.
In work 'till late should have got it done earlier but still. So the doorbell rings "RRRRrriiiing!" go to the door theres no-one outside. Shrug shoulders, carry on. 10 minutes later another this time even more insistent so go to check sometimes its the coppers wondering why the lights are on late that sort of thing. No its some dude I've never seen before in my life ranting about "your people raped me!" blah blah. I sighed heavily turned around and left him to it. "Don't do that to me! I'm going to call the police" blah blah. Riiiiiiiing. Riiiing ring. Just carried on till I was finished. Turned off the lights locked up and drove off. Spotted him sitting by the side of the road he turned to look at me with a pained face. Turned the corner and police car passes me flashing its blues and twos. Guess he did call the cops after all.

Its a shame they have to deal with mentally disturbed people and other odds and sorts I'm sure they've better things to do even if it is late at night.
Day 3 of horrific pain. No sleep at all last night. I have trapped nerves in my neck. I'm assuming I have jiu jitsu to thank for this.

I had a chiropractor session today, with more booked in, and hoping that will give some relief.

I was supposed to be fighting in a tournament in two weeks time, so had to cancel that, too.
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I have of late, but wherefore I know not, lost all my mirth.
And indeed, it goes so heavily with my disposition, that this goodly frame, the Earth, seems to me a sterile promontory.
This most excellent canopy, the air, look you, this brave o'erhanging firmament, this majestical roof fretted with golden fire, why,
It appeareth nothing to me but a foul and pestilent congregation of vapors!

What a piece of work is a man.
How noble in reason! How infinite in faculties!
How like an angel in apprehension!

Still, stiff upper lip. Dans le jardin, Rodney.
Day 4. Pain now 3 out of 10 (9 is "can't stand up, panting" on my scale) from a 6 yesterday, so better.

I managed about 5 hours of (codeine aided) sleep last night, so am generally happier.

Still off work, but feel like I am making progress, so pleased with that.

I have another chiropractor appointment today, so that's good. Cancelled my scheduled tournament in two weeks, so that's bad. The chiropractor laughed when I asked if I could fight!

The last few days have been a window into the world of chronic pain. I now understand its impact on family and friends. It's been lovely getting phone calls and messages checking on me. I'm genuinely touched how many people care about me.

I will be more understanding in future!
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Day 4. Pain now 3 out of 10 (9 is "can't stand up, panting" on my scale) from a 6 yesterday, so better.

I managed about 5 hours of (codeine aided) sleep last night, so am generally happier.

Still off work, but feel like I am making progress, so pleased with that.

I have another chiropractor appointment today, so that's good. Cancelled my scheduled tournament in two weeks, so that's bad. The chiropractor laughed when I asked if I could fight!

The last few days have been a window into the world of chronic pain. I now understand its impact on family and friends. It's been lovely getting phone calls and messages checking on me. I'm genuinely touched how many people care about me.

I will be more understanding in future!
Glad to hear you're on the mend!
It was the funeral yesterday. Wish my aunt’s side of the family would have respected my Nanan’s no flowers request. She just wanted the spray that goes on the coffin, like my grandad had. No, insisted on those tacky relative flowers letters. Plus the flower cushions

Dad was annoyed
For the first time ever I've managed to do exercise as soon as I wake up. I can't get into routine of doing it after work because I just cannot be bothered then so this is the only way it will ever happen.
I might only be on my third day but the point is that's a personal record.
For the first time ever I've managed to do exercise as soon as I wake up. I can't get into routine of doing it after work because I just cannot be bothered then so this is the only way it will ever happen.
I might only be on my third day but the point is that's a personal record.

Awesome work. I set my alarm for 6:30, woke up couldn't be bothered getting up and then proceeded to lie awake for an hour before actually getting up as normal :(
Awesome work. I set my alarm for 6:30, woke up couldn't be bothered getting up and then proceeded to lie awake for an hour before actually getting up as normal :(

Thanks. It's not easy, I don't sleep well for various reasons but actually getting to a reasonable level of fitness feels like one of the last remaining things I need to do. I'm not huge, 14.5st but I am not happy with a bicycle tyre that has grown steadily around waist.
Today was the hardest as I got about 3h sleep. Tomorrow will be the real test as I only intend to do 5 days a week and ATM it helps because I decide to go into work which I aim to get in early for, but I don't work Fridays so my brain will be very aware it doesn't 'need' to comply.
Alarm is 0545 ATM. Gives me 10/15 to wake up a bit and then I just drag myself out, a few stretches and crack on.
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Ah i'm even worse, i go to bed around 10:30 and sleep straight through to 7:30 because i',m lazy!

Well this is the thing, there is no way I can go to bed before 1030, if I do I'll wake up about an hour later and then not sleep until 3-4am.
I'm not one for all these proclaimed panaceas but I've heard a few personal anecdotes about magnesium helping regulate sleep.
Yeah, i've heard great things about it and it helps my wife who has a lot of issues sleeping. She now takes edibles before bed as it seems to be the only things that properly help, although she also has a lot of chronic pain which isn't helpful.
Day 4. Pain now 3 out of 10 (9 is "can't stand up, panting" on my scale) from a 6 yesterday, so better.

I managed about 5 hours of (codeine aided) sleep last night, so am generally happier.

Still off work, but feel like I am making progress, so pleased with that.

I have another chiropractor appointment today, so that's good. Cancelled my scheduled tournament in two weeks, so that's bad. The chiropractor laughed when I asked if I could fight!

The last few days have been a window into the world of chronic pain. I now understand its impact on family and friends. It's been lovely getting phone calls and messages checking on me. I'm genuinely touched how many people care about me.

I will be more understanding in future!
I had a very similar experience to this last year! Wrecked my shoulder/neck moving house, and had trapped nerves. Basically the nerve group for my entire shoulder and left arm were pinched and inflamed.

Decent painkillers were amazing - I would just pass out once they kicked in, so clearly had been exhausted missing sleep from the pain. And really got an understanding how it must be for those with chronic pain issues. Impact on mental health and mood was palpable.
Getting bad shoulder ache too, not sure if its my posture, sleeping position or a combination? Had it for over a week now and still feels the same.
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