** This Instant, Moment, and Month - December **

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I'm so bored at work right now. Worst part is I go home and descend into a pit of darkness as I don't/haven't had internet at home for weeks now. Theres only so much one can do on an iphone with 5gb internet.
A preliminary neurological assessment is needed on oneself after reading about, #ChristmasSOwhite campaign. :mad:

I feel a little under the weather anyway and am sure I have a brain aneurysm.

Anyone know if the is a type of Dignitas for voluntary lobotomies? :D
Can finally relax for this evening now. Been a real rush. Picked the girls up from school at half 3, straight home to get the youngest ready for her Christmas disco back out at 4.15 to go home to get the eldest ready, leave again at 5.45 to take the eldest to her disco and pick the youngest one up back home to get the youngest one ready for bed, back out to pick the eldest up at half 7. Home finally to get them something to eat and put to bed by 8.15. Finally able to make myself some tea and watch tonight's Master Chef.
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