** This Instant, Moment, and Month - February 2017 **

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Urgh dating sucks. Its been over two years and not even a stiff of pasty.

I must be doing something so very wrong, no i'm not following them home so it can't be that. :p
Really, really annoying - maybe its how i can't talk very well to other women, kinda just lock up and not know what to do! Any ideas to actuaslly get better at all this? Been oiut of the game, but would like at least one date or at least someone to show interest.

Its probably that you call their twinkle caves 'pasties' and see getting some pasty as the primary goal. ;)
I really really need to get out of this place and start a career moving in the right direction... But what do I want to do... I like IT security/protection/infiltration and it interests be greatly, but I don't know how to get up to that kind of position without working my way up a service desk or something, and I cannot do that. I hate it so much and lack the drive to do well in a high paced customer facing environment with constant phone calls from irate idiots and unrealistic ticket closure targets... :(

But I don't know what else I can do...

This environment demotivates me so much... The best I can think of at the moment is to try and get a job on a service desk at a better company.
OK then my plan of action is to get out of this god awful company and do my working-up at a well organised well structured company run by competent people... :)

Like the one I worked at before I left and came to this hell hole... :o

So just nonsense posting?

What is this work thing you speak of? Do you mean turning up and then browsing the internet?

Yes and yes, but not too heavy on the nonsense otherwise passing mods sometimes step in and have a moan about us spamming the forum. :)

I have absolutely no experience of this whatsoever and definitely didn't have 2000 posts removed a while ago. *cough* Mike be quiet you did it too *cough*
It's been a long week and Friday definitely seems to be "ass hat day" I've already torn one user a new one because he felt talking to me like a child was an appropriate response to my request for him to supply me with some extra detail on his helpdesk call and I can feel another chewing coming on for others before the day is done!


Please calm down sir, what specifically isn't working?


*no internet connection*
I had to host a conference call between a manager of a massive multi-national corporation, and Microsoft earlier. The person who was supposed to be doing it was unavailable, and I had no idea what it was about... After 15 minutes of panic and flapping about I somehow managed to wing it, with quite a lot of "bear with me a moment" *mute* *bash head on desk* :p
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