Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

If the average bill Is 4k
And it feels. Like 2k is a price people could handle.

That's 2000*25'000'000 (extra cost * ~ homes in UK)

Over 50'000'000'000 or 50 bln per year needed to keep people happy.
Ok so we should be entitled to a refund once they finish crunching all the numbers. I mean all this renewable energy being sold at a massive profit who is profiting from it? And when will they be made to give it back.

The CfD payments go to the Low Carbon Contracts Company (LCCC) which is an independent limited company owned by Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS). These payments are used to protect consumers from over-payment.
The CfD payments go to the Low Carbon Contracts Company (LCCC) which is an independent limited company owned by Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS). These payments are used to protect consumers from over-payment.
Ok I think we need a bit detail. What payments and over payment of what exactly?
Ok I think we need a bit detail. What payments and over payment of what exactly?

CfD - When the energy price goes over the agreed strike price, renewable generators pay back this difference back to the LCCC, this protects consumers from over paying for renewable energy.

from November 2021 to January 2022, CfDs have already paid back £114.4 million to energy suppliers. This is equivalent to each household saving £6.46.

While this may seem small now, further renewables are set to come online over the next five years, through the scheme, leading to each household saving £97.53 per year by 2027.
It's absolutely crazy that this is all going on and we're going to have "Pork Markets" Liz Truss in charge.
Could have been worse? We have a multi-multi millionaire in Sunak who not only doesn’t have a clue how the majority of people in this country live, but also has been boasting about how he funnelled money away from poorer communities and into the hands of the well off.
Could have been worse? We have a multi-multi millionaire in Sunak who not only doesn’t have a clue how the majority of people in this country live, but also has been boasting about how he funnelled money away from poorer communities and into the hands of the well off.

When are people going to stop voting for these asshats.
It’s only the recent huge increase in gas price which has made this an issue. Previously the CfD process has been effective to managing renewable pricing and cost recovery.
It’s also massively complicated to implement into the contracts already in place.
It’s only the recent huge increase in gas price which has made this an issue. Previously the CfD process has been effective to managing renewable pricing and cost recovery.
It’s also massively complicated to implement into the contracts already in place.
Renewable energy is not cheap either
Yeah I've seen those forcasts, and they are basically suggesting energy prices won't be back around the 1000-1200 mark until well beyond 2023, possibly even 2025 if at all. That would be catastrophic without intervention for a bulk of society.

At that rate and with inflation potentially hitting 15% this year, you'd need £25k just to afford the basic necessities, let alone have any form of comfort. Full time at the current NMW doesn't even come close to being enough.
It will be unaffordable for many. A significant reduction in quality of life. Clearly this source of energy and way it being managed/owned is not viable if it can impact people in such a negative way.
It will be unaffordable for many. A significant reduction in quality of life. Clearly this source of energy and way it being managed/owned is not viable if it can impact people in such a negative way.
I agree it needs to be improved decoupling gas from renewable however it is unreasonable to assume Putin doing what he is doing and the embargoes with Russia were not got to affect us. but blame Putin and his cronies for that.
I agree it needs to be improved decoupling gas from renewable however it is unreasonable to assume Putin doing what he is doing and the embargoes with Russia were not got to affect us. but blame Putin and his cronies for that.
Blaming Putin isn’t going to solve anything though. We are to blame for our own situation and I thought no one wanted Russia’s gas and oil anymore.
It's absolutely crazy that this is all going on and we're going to have "Pork Markets" Liz Truss in charge.
Its probably not for this thread as there is another one going on this topic in speakers corner.

However I thought this when I first heard the candidates. Having followed the voting stuff though, TV debates etc, I genuinely think that she is more forward looking than Sunak is. She seems to be willing (as least, in appearance), to challenge and change some of the existing policies that have contributed to this mess in the first place. Whether that is, as I say, just appearances rather than substance I don't know. Whereas in my opinion Sunak has had 2 years to make a mark and we've ended up in this mess. Yeah I know he was hampered probably with Johnson but he was part of that. It is it him that voted for the NI rise along with Johnson when Truss seems to have been challenging against it in cabinet. It is him that channeled billions in fraudulent covid money. Who came up with eat out to help out which probably extended covid lockdowns? Who came up with the stamp duty holiday which only saw prices rise massively during the period.

thats my 2p on it. I hope Truss wins only because I think we might see a different approach. Whether it will work who knows, but we need something not more of the same.
Blaming Putin isn’t going to solve anything though. We are to blame for our own situation and I thought no one wanted Russia’s gas and oil anymore.
I know I respondong to someone saying the system isn't working. ..... there is more that needs to be done but global disasters are going to cause problems. too many people are trying to use this to suggest frakking and coal is the answer and that renewables don't work. my view is renewables have to work even if it means government having to step in for a few years.
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