This is why people are losing respect for the police...

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He's already been to court and sentenced to 120 hours of unpaid work and banned from keeping animals for five years. He can't just be sacked. He's on restricted duties and the internal investigation will determine if any further action is taken by GMP.

Not to make light of his actions but chances are I could punch you in the face and not go to jail.

Sharing this isn't going to make me any friends, but honestly I think sending someone to jail for such a thing is silly. I'd be upset if a puppy **** on my carpet, I don't think he killed the dog either.
It's one of the great hypocrisies of society that we pay people to hang a pig by its feet and cut its throat, but suddenly are up in arms when someone kicks a puppy.

Teach him a lesson and set him on his way.
He's already been to court and sentenced to 120 hours of unpaid work and banned from keeping animals for five years. He can't just be sacked. He's on restricted duties and the internal investigation will determine if any further action is taken by GMP.

Not to make light of his actions but chances are I could punch you in the face and not go to jail.

I take your point. It is two examples of how society seems weak when enforcing punishment on the wrong do-ers.

I hope that the guy gets sacked as I wouldn't trust him to be around a vulnerable person when he's doing that sort of thing. It would be a massive risk for GMP to keep him on and if something happened they (or rather we the tax payer) would be spending millions in compensation if he did something else.
Sharing this isn't going to make me any friends, but honestly I think sending someone to jail for such a thing is silly. I'd be upset if a puppy **** on my carpet, I don't think he killed the dog either.
It's one of the great hypocrisies of society that we pay people to hang a pig by its feet and cut its throat, but suddenly are up in arms when someone kicks a puppy.

Teach him a lesson and set him on his way.

It's one thing to make a contraversial post. But at least compare apples with apples. You're comparing killing something for food, and punching a dog for no reason.

If we went around punching a pig for no reason then you'd have a point.

If we went around killing a dog for no reason you'd have a point.

This guy is punching a dog for no other reason than he can't control his own emotions.

I'm not going to comment on the rest of your post because I think its an obvious point that physically lashing out at anyone just because you don't like something they did, especially when that is an animal or a vulnerable person, is wrong.
the simpsons thread huh? we've went from the unemployed having nothing better to do but have access to the internet and want to cause a bit of unrest, to a guy that's punched his dog as he hasn't properly potty trained it by putting newspaper down everywhere for a few months. He abused said dog as he wasn't fit to even own a goldfish but heh worse things happen and we can't save everyone even though we would like to.
It's one thing to make a contraversial post. But at least compare apples with apples.

It is a like for like comparison, as it's comparing two cases of violence against animals.

If we went around punching a pig for no reason then you'd have a point.

Pigs are handled roughly in the farming trade, if it doesn't want to get out of it's crate on the way to the slaughter house, do you think they just leave it there or let it go? Maybe pat the good boy and give him a carrot? No, they grab it, kick it and maybe cattle prod it until it's moving in the direction they want. In many cases the only reason the workers sign up for it is because they actually enjoy "persuading" the animals to walk to their death.

I'm not going to comment on the rest of your post because I think its an obvious point that physically lashing out at anyone just because you don't like something they did, especially when that is an animal or a vulnerable person, is wrong.

I didn't express an opinion on whether it's wrong, but if I would, it'd be this. The good is not in consequences of an action only the action itself. I firmly believe that violence "because you felt like it" and violence "because someone wants to some-day eat the animal" is irrelevant. Outside managed explicit consent (boxing) and self-defence; it's deeply hypocritical to believe that violence can be justifiable by the motive of the attacker. What the man did was no worse than what happens to cases of farm animal abuse, and should be punished consistently - with a slap on the wrist.

To also make things clear, I'm not saying this because I'm a vegan, or an animal abuser. I just feel obliged to point out the obvious cognitive dissonance on display when people go into a rage about someone kicking a dog.
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It is a like for like comparison, as it's comparing two cases of violence against animals.

I didn't express an opinion on whether it's wrong, but if I would, it'd be this. The good is not in consequences of an action only the action itself. I firmly believe that violence "because you felt like it" and violence "because someone wants to some-day eat the animal" is irrelevant. Outside managed explicit consent (boxing) and self-defence; it's deeply hypocritical to believe that violence can be justifiable by the motive of the attacker. What the man did was no worse than what happens to cases of farm animal abuse, and should be punished consistently - with a slap on the wrist.

To also make things clear, I'm not saying this because I'm a vegan, or an animal abuser. I just feel obliged to point out the obvious cognitive dissonance on display when people go into a rage about someone kicking a dog.

I don't agree that all violence is the same.

If person A went up to person B and kept hitting him. If person B turned around and defend himself, you seem to be saying both are as bad as each other? As in your opinion it doesn't seem to matter the motive of the violence.

Everybody is violent. But as humans we're supposed to regulate ourselves and only use it as a necessity i.e. if we need to eat. Not just unleash violence on an innocent animal/person.

I can see the point you were trying to make. Though it came across like you were defending the beating of this dog in the story.
Used to have the greatest respect for the police but after the way I've seen them treat domestic violence first hand and the aftermath etc all I can say is that them and the CPS are a bloody joke, I really feel for any woman or man in a domestic abuse situation.
I really could not look a man/woman in the eye and tell them that the justice system will help you.

Just shocking incompetence of unbelievable magnitude and victim blaming from the police and the less said about the CPS the better.
the other month I was walking home from the city centre at night and cut through a council estate on the way home.

I walk past this white car, go down an alleyway and back onto another road.
this white car comes around the corner and starts creeping behind me..
I cut through another alley and notice the car is now in the middle of the road waiting for me.

2 guys inside it that said nothing to me and stopped following at that point.

I'm 100% convinced it was an under cover police car that basically stalked me for 5 minutes and made me feel unsafe.

seems to be more undercover police cars than marked cars these days, I see them all the time around here, you know they are police cos the marked cars often stop and chat to them.

seems to be mainly 2 types of car they use and they don't only use white ones
I randomly saw one of these 'auditing' videos on YouTube months ago and then started getting recommendations. I now find myself watching them regularly, some of the encounters with police are very entertaining. The misuse of section 43 is a joke though, all because someone is pointing a camera in their direction.
I am glad that my opinion on auditing is opposite to the majority view on the Overclockers forums. That tends to be a good sign that I am right!

Every auditing video I have watched, I have not once seen the "auditor" commit a crime. What I have seen is the police frequently overstep the mark and act like bullies. I would say about half of the instances where an "auditor" has an interaction with the police, the Police make themselves look very unprofessional at best.

The simple fact of the matter is that these "auditors" are legally within their rights to act like ***** and bait the police by videoing the police stations. I am glad that they do it as it gives the public the chance to see that many officers of the law in the UK are poorly trained and pretty unprofessional.

A majority on the Overclockers forum seem to be in favor of making the UK a more authoritarian state. This seems to translate to a large proportion of England which explains why the Tories are so popular in England.

You'll all be sad when you all get your wish and the police can legally arrest you for filming things they deem against the law.
I am glad that my opinion on auditing is opposite to the majority view on the Overclockers forums. That tends to be a good sign that I am right!

Every auditing video I have watched, I have not once seen the "auditor" commit a crime. What I have seen is the police frequently overstep the mark and act like bullies. I would say about half of the instances where an "auditor" has an interaction with the police, the Police make themselves look very unprofessional at best.

The simple fact of the matter is that these "auditors" are legally within their rights to act like ***** and bait the police by videoing the police stations. I am glad that they do it as it gives the public the chance to see that many officers of the law in the UK are poorly trained and pretty unprofessional.

A majority on the Overclockers forum seem to be in favor of making the UK a more authoritarian state. This seems to translate to a large proportion of England which explains why the Tories are so popular in England.

You'll all be sad when you all get your wish and the police can legally arrest you for filming things they deem against the law.

Someone needs to get a grip.
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