Last year I had dealings with the Met police.
To cut it a long story short, I had fallen out with somebody which resulted in her making malicious false accusations about me... One morning there was a loud bang on my door, "ITS THE POLICE" they said quite loudly so I opened the door and they come in, they don't even bother identifying themselves and go straight for the accusations, bodycams on surrounding me in my hallway. One officer proceeds to lie to me saying there are lots of people that have come forward about me doing this and that and that I'm a very dangerous person... I knew he was chatting rubbish because there was nobody I knew that would say such stuff about me apart from one person "the person who I fell out with"
Where are all these witnesses then??? There were none the police officer was speaking rubbish. Then they start looking around my home while one officer proceeds to interrogate me further... another police officer tries to take my USB drives without any grounds whatsoever??? after I questioned the police officer about what grounds he had for taking them, he put them down and didn't take them.
I was getting a bit fed up with there judgements of me so let them look at my computer... I felt like they were going to accuse me of being a nonce among other things, here is my browser history, there is all my files... would you like to see more I asked the officers? Would you like the details to my internet service provider? they responded "no that wont be necessary"
They soon left and the case was closed.
I made a complaint to the IOPC then the IOPC passed on my complaint for further investigation... guess what?
They all lied about what happened, I made a request for the bodycam footage, the first time I got ignored so I made another request to see the bodycam footage... "no longer available" what a surprise.
What did I learn?
Never trust the police and always video every encounter for your own evidence whenever possible.