This is why people are losing respect for the police...

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If it was merely about being Jewish (though for some it definitely is) then the orthodox guys that sometimes show up on the pro-Palestine protests would be getting attacked, not sure that's been the case however.
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It's OK though, letting them do it keeps the peace. That's right isn't it?

Yep, because the only people who we need to worry about in the UK are far right white groups. If you think there is anything wrong with any other group then you are racist and don't understand the nuanced issues at play. Bunch of white blokes on the march though, racist scum to the last.

It must be so blissfully crime free in Cheshire that the police literally have nothing better to investigate.

Joey Barton is an absolute grade A pillock but fundamentally most people with half a brain know this and aren't influenced by him. Those that are won't be paragons of virtue and tolerance with or without listening to him. We seem to worry far too much about people like Barton and not enough about the fundamental issues that allow people like him to actually have an audience.

The country is on a downward trend and more and more people are being failed from a young age. The future is looking bleak for more and more people and they need to fix that. Not try and deal with the odd idiot people who are already through the cracks like to listen to.
I wouldn't want to take any chances to find out. Police tell lies.

But you did take chances, you literally let them in and you spoke to them without a lawyer present. You even said one of them was about to take away some USBs, you claimed they deleted their bodycam footage.

If you believe them to be corrupt then you put yourself at way more risk that way.
Imagine if the policeman said " You're openly Gay " or " You're openly Muslim" at a different event the police officer would probably be on fast leave :p

But jews? It's AOK :rolleyes:

I've no doubt that if you or I used such a term to keep someone out of an area we'd find ourselves in front of a judge.
From a strictly legal standpoint I absolutely disagree with what the Sergeant did and the reasons he gave for doing it.

However, despite me saying its wrong, from a "common sense" standpoint I can at least understand 'why' I think he did what he did. I think he was 95% sure he knows what would've happened to that guy if he'd crossed the road, and he's made the decision that, irrespective of the law, he's not going to allow the protestors to beat this man up, causing a bigger incident, and with his limited manpower unable to stop a serious offence kicking off which he has no way of stopping easily once it does and which will probably end up with his fellow Officers being hurt. Knowing all that I think he decided it was better to use his "common sense" and ignore the legal rights of that single person vs dealing with the consequences should he have allowed that person to cross through the protest.

So again, whilst I disagree with his actions, I can at least understand why I think he chose that action.
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