This is why people are losing respect for the police...

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I mean we can go back a week to three girls murdered by a *checks notes* ah yes, black man.

To my knowledge, there's no indication that those murders were a result of racial hatred. There's no real grounds for a race war if his motivation wasn't racist.

There would be grounds if a violent mob (angry that a black man murdered children) went on to kill an innocent black person, or anyone non-white for that matter.
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People are just fed up with mass migration, until the root cause is addressed then this sort of thing will keep happening and probably get much worse.

The issue with these forum keyboard agitators in GD that the mods are struggling with who think that it’s the wider British public who are attacking police and rioting, who think that it’s not racists, is that when a literal Nazi shows up, it disproves it immediately.

The left will be counter protesting tomorrow. If a nazi shows up like this man, he will be dealt with. The people rioting right now do not deal with him. They embrace him.

Would the wider British public? No.

Whilst those rioting might not all Hail Hitler, if you are ok with 1 Nazi being at your rally, you have a Nazi rally.
Horrible to see what's going on. I worry that things could get even worse, how long before someone non-white is murdered and triggers a race war?
Some thug punched an innocent person the other day who was merely walking along the street near a mob.

seemed like the only got punched for not being white.

No one came to his defence or checked he was okay, he just turned around and walked off, It didn't seem like anyone criticized the guy who did it either.
The left will be counter protesting tomorrow. If a nazi shows up like this man, he will be dealt with. The people rioting right now do not deal with him. They embrace him.
It's one guy baiting a moron for clicks.

Most people in the video seem to be giving him a wide berth
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Some thug punched an innocent person the other day who was merely walking along the street near a mob.

seemed like the only got punched for not being white.

No one came to his defence or checked he was okay, he just turned around and walked off, It didn't seem like anyone criticized the guy who did it either.

It’s because the people who are taking part are racists, see my post above yours.

The Keyboard agitators refuse to see this, less they accept they too are racist.

The police will be mobilised in ways they are not against Palestian marches because those did not descend into such abhorrent violence, racists and anti semites were policed and thrown out. In these riots now, they are embraced.
To my knowledge, there's no indication that those murders were a result of racial hatred. There's no real grounds for a race war if his motivation wasn't racist.

There would be grounds if a violent mob (angry that a black man murdered children) went on to kill an innocent black person, or anyone non-white for that matter.
There's no need for (rational) justification though?

We saw in Southport that even the rumour that the killer was a foreigner was enough for hundreds of people to descend on a mosque. The chance for a race-focused conflict in this country is completely dissociated from reality and so surely is a very real risk. I doubt putting them in prison is going to achieve much other than a temporary reprieve so long as the ambiguous, stochastic organisers remain free to keep stability up as issues in the country continue to culminate. Dealing with these people comes with serious risks as well if it can't be done without oppressing everyone's right to speech as it could well not work in the government's favour.
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