This is why people are losing respect for the police...

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He asked her if she was praying because she was more than likely known to them. You dont just go up to unknown people and ask them that sort of question.

She was intentionally trying to push the bounderies of the order but i dont expect you to understand that to be honest as you are probably getting your irritation from one of your alt right wing sites like most of your illogical grievances seem to come from.

These are the type of crazy people that try to push freeman nonsense.

She was asked why she was standing there and she actually said. 'Because this is an abortion centre'.

How you get away with calling people idiots is beyond me.
She was standing in a restricted area around an abortion centre. So the police rightly suspected she was there to protest. I don't go up to unknown people. But the police do when they are policing a restricted area.

I can partially agree with your idea that she was pushing the boundaries. But the case can only go on what as happened. She never actually said she was praying in her head, only that she might be.

You seem to be missing the result of the story, the charges were dropped.

I don't even know what an alt right website is. From some of the stuff you post and attribute to others it sounds like you're a regular to whatever those sites are. Is it projection?

This isn't anything to do with freeman on the land nonsense (though I agree with you, that stuff is nonsense).

It's not an offence to stand near an abortion centre. The offense, amongst other things, is either supporting abortion or being negative about abortion. I looked up the law, did you? If you did, then lets debate the law.
I'd be interested to know the exact wording of the PSPO that applied to the area around the abortion centre really, are you able to post it if you've looked it up? :)

Some of the wording used in court orders is hugely subjective and open to interpretation. It is also worth noting that this is for the courts to decide on the 'correct' interpretation, and that the police often have no real precedent to go by until a case is put before the courts, occasionally CPS may chose to discontinue a case before it is tested, I can well imagine the praying lady in the case discussed here may well have been deemed 'not in the public interest' to pursue, given the right to freedom of religion, thought etc.

I've seen some incredibly vague, badly worded or wide ranging court orders granted in my time, whether granted by civil courts or criminal (I remember one CBO in particular, stating an individual 'must not behave in a way that causes annoyance to any other person' about a low threshold for criminality).
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Perhaps more people losing respect for the courts but what a total joke of a sentence:

On police-related news though some guy tried getting hands-on with a climate protestor:

Unfortunately, the first video I can find is by some annoying grifter:

Will be interesting to see if it stands up in court or indeed if the CPS chucks it, probably a bit silly to do it when the police are already present and dealing with the situation, AFAIK you can make an argument for using reasonable force to remove these protestors but I'm not sure it's so reasonable if the police are already present, probably more applicable if the police aren't present and even more reasonable if say an ambulance needs to get through etc...

One thing is for sure, the approach for dealing with these protests is still dumb, going up to them to have a chat and ask them nicely to move clearly isn't working with this lot and getting a bit more hands-on to move them out of the road will lessen the impact of such protests thus help to discourage them, that should really include perhaps the French police approach to people using superglue, don't fanny about it might sting a little or remove a small bit of skin but it's not going to properly stick to the tarmac.
Unfortunately, the first video I can find is by some annoying grifter:

Will be interesting to see if it stands up in court or indeed if the CPS chucks it, probably a bit silly to do it when the police are already present and dealing with the situation, AFAIK you can make an argument for using reasonable force to remove these protestors but I'm not sure it's so reasonable if the police are already present, probably more applicable if the police aren't present and even more reasonable if say an ambulance needs to get through etc...

One thing is for sure, the approach for dealing with these protests is still dumb, going up to them to have a chat and ask them nicely to move clearly isn't working with this lot and getting a bit more hands-on to move them out of the road will lessen the impact of such protests thus help to discourage them, that should really include perhaps the French police approach to people using superglue, don't fanny about it might sting a little or remove a small bit of skin but it's not going to properly stick to the tarmac.

I'm 100% with the tweet, it's gone way past ridiculous. And the way the office jumped at the man trying to remove the protest filled me with a bit of rage actually.
Unfortunately, I suspect the courts will throw that guy under the bus to make an example. The judiciary will be terrified that the ordinary public start taking things into their own hands whilst the police stand idly by.
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Unfortunately, I suspect the courts will throw that guy under the bus to make an example. The judiciary will be terrified that the ordinary public start taking things into their own hands whilst the police stand idly by.

Shame really, some of these folk just need a quick reminder that they are physically incompetent but in this day and age where even words are violence, they are well protected.

I'd probably have a bit more respect for them if they tried to stand their ground, the majority get dragged away like some man toddler, usually screaming like one too.
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Shame really, some of these folk just need a quick reminder that they are physically incompetent but in this day and age where even words are violence, they are well protected.

I'd probably have a bit more respect for them if they tried to stand their ground, the majority get dragged away like some man toddler, usually screaming like one too.

That's how a peaceful protest protest works, and moving people without hurting them is hard work.

Compare and contrast with recent events in Knowsley.
Unfortunately, I suspect the courts will throw that guy under the bus to make an example. The judiciary will be terrified that the ordinary public start taking things into their own hands whilst the police stand idly by.

That's precisely what they'll do because they don't like state authority being challenged. It's why those who refuse to pay council tax are dealt with exceedingly harshly.
That's how a peaceful protest protest works, and moving people without hurting them is hard work.

But they shouldn't need to move them without hurting them if they're blocking roads etc. just moving them without harming them would be fine, if it's temporarily uncomfortable or embarrassing where the police to turn up and drag them out of the road then so what, no real harm done.

Ditto to supergluing hands, minor harm at best, the French police don't seem to mess around there and they're subscribed to EU human rights provisions etc..
But they shouldn't need to move them without hurting them if they're blocking roads etc. just moving them without harming them would be fine, if it's temporarily uncomfortable or embarrassing where the police to turn up and drag them out of the road then so what, no real harm done.

Ditto to supergluing hands, minor harm at best, the French police don't seem to mess around there and they're subscribed to EU human rights provisions etc..

Heh, I remember that early conversation with my sensei about training: "hurting them is OK, damaging them... not ok"
Perhaps more people losing respect for the courts but what a total joke of a sentence:

Should have been longer to be honest, assaulting paramedics is a disgusting thing to do lol

Seems the Police have upset some folk again by supposedly banning Christo Grozev from attending the Bafta's but it seems it is more likely they have been banned by the Baftas on advice from the police, which is quite a difference and shameful journalism
Shame really, some of these folk just need a quick reminder that they are physically incompetent but in this day and age where even words are violence, they are well protected.

I'd probably have a bit more respect for them if they tried to stand their ground, the majority get dragged away like some man toddler, usually screaming like one too.

If they are getting dragged away they are quite literally trying to stand their ground lol

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If they are getting dragged away they are quite literally trying to stand their ground lol

Sitting slumped in the middle of the road like some numpty isn’t standing their ground at all. An average dude grabs hold of them and their tour de tarmac is over.

Giving these man babies rights not to be moved even though they’ve made a choice to disturb the day to day lives of others was a huge mistake. Peaceful protest is absolute cope.
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Sitting slumped in the middle of the road like some numpty isn’t standing their ground at all. An average dude grabs hold of them and their tour de tarmac is over.

Giving these man babies rights not to be moved even though they’ve made a choice to disturb the day to day lives of others was a huge mistake. Peaceful protest is absolute cope.

If you get physically dragged away it’s because you were standing your ground.

Not standing ones ground would be someone trying to drag you and you just being f “oh ok” and then instantly giving up.
This seems very cowardly on the part of the police:

A disabled/autistic kid damages a Quoran, some community members go crazy, rumours fly about the Quoran being destroyed (later reports seem to be that he just doodled in it), the family then face death threats and a local counselor goes to visit the boy at home and tests him??? The counselor seems more concerned about the boy's "crime" noncrime hate incident than the unhinged and far more serious threats to the family??? WTF is an entire community doing getting involved in some trivial school discipline matter? Then the mother ends up at a public meeting with a cloth on her head while a police officer present just nods along like an idiot.

With this sort of spineless lack of moral courage you can see why grooming gangs were given a wide berth.

He's literally sat next to a religious loon who has said they'd never tolerate disrespect and would sacrifice their lives for this book... after a local family has received death threats and his only comment is about the kids responsible for the doodling not a peep about how unacceptable that sort of thing is in a developed country.
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This seems very cowardly on the part of the police:

A disabled/autistic kid damages a Quoran, some community members go crazy, rumours fly about the Quoran being destroyed (later reports seem to be that he just doodled in it), the family then face death threats and a local counselor goes to visit the boy at home and tests him??? The counselor seems more concerned about the boy's "crime" noncrime hate incident than the unhinged and far more serious threats to the family??? WTF is an entire community doing getting involved in some trivial school discipline matter? Then the mother ends up at a public meeting with a cloth on her head while a police officer present just nods along like an idiot.

With this sort of spineless lack of moral courage you can see why grooming gangs were given a wide berth.

He's literally sat next to a religious loon who has said they'd never tolerate disrespect and would sacrifice their lives for this book... after a local family has received death threats and his only comment is about the kids responsible for the doodling not a peep about how unacceptable that sort of thing is in a developed country.

Crazy that certain 'community' leaders are on call 24/7 to respond to these sorts of incidents. Offended by everything, ashamed of nothing.
No doubt Savid Javid would respond with his favoured "So what?", if asked on this matter. I am only surprised no one from the police have been down on one knee, (yet).

And some folk are aghast when I say we need a benevolent dictator to sort this country out.
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