The solution is to build clinics with an expansive buffer zone like a car park, or a long driveway. The problem has really been caused by the poor planning of the design of these buildings.
Then you end up with protestors standing at the entrance to the buffer zone - e.g. the same issue you have at present.
As far as "design" goes, this particular building is essentially just a normal house on a residential street, there is already a footpath to the front door, so it's not like they're standing right in the doorway, but they do (did) aggressively block the gate, and this would be no different whether the path is 10m long or 10 miles long.
As far as the lady who got arrested for silently praying outside goes, fair enough, she's certainly not as bad as the chap we encountered, and wouldn't really bother me, but I'd question why she has to
be there - why can't she just pray at home? Surely if her god is as powerful and all-knowing as she supposedly believes, then she could pray-from-home, saving on commuting costs, not risking arrest, and not intimidating vulnerable young women at one of the scariest and saddest moments of their lives?
Granted I haven't studied Christianity since school, but I was always under the impression that the core teachings were around tolerance, kindness and compassion (despite how it - and various other religions - have been corrupted over the years by people seeking to manipulate others for their own gain)? Instead these protestors are trying to cause pain and suffering, all the ones I've encountered have been horrible, nasty vindictive people - I don't get it, it's like they've flipped the religion they supposedly follow on its head?