This is why people are losing respect for the police...

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It's so bad the left can't even come up with an original insult :/

Im sorry. I didnt realise it was you that made line of ridicule up. You must be so proud it is used by so many people.

Maybe I should have said pound shop Lee Anderson but that would have given you a prtomotion above him. Also Philip Davies remarks are closer to your posting style.
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Im sorry. I didnt realise it was you that made line of ridicule up. You must be so proud it is used by so many people.
It's so bad the left can't even come up with an original insult :/
You have to remember that Tony hasn't had an original thought in a very very long time, that's why the poor lad can't answer simple questions such as 'what do you think?' and the like. Must be terrible going though life being so afraid of offending anyone deemed to be on the same side of political/social isle.
You have to remember that Tony hasn't had an original thought in a very very long time, that's why the poor lad can't answer simple questions such as 'what do you think?' and the like. Must be terrible going though life being so afraid of offending anyone deemed to be on the same side of political/social isle.

lol as if I have ever been afraid of offending anyone.

Its not that I am afraid its just I dont have the same awful views some of you have.

Its funny I post my views here all the time yet?
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lol as if I have ever been afraid of offending anyone.

Its not that I am afraid its just I dont have the same awful views some of you have.

Its funny I post my views here all the time yet?

I mean clearly you are afraid otherwise you wouldn't tie yourself in knots. And no, you don't post your views. When challenged you never do. You just regurgitate the views of others. C Kent is spot on.
I mean clearly you are afraid otherwise you wouldn't tie yourself in knots. And no, you don't post your views. When challenged you never do. You just regurgitate the views of others. C Kent is spot on.

If the question being asked has already been answered by me lots of times. Either in the same thread or a different one then no I wont be playing your silly childish games.

Then there are the really stupid and truly awful questions from you lot that just dont even deserve an answer.
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So a snobby overpriced Patrick Bateman wannabe.

Ah it’s telling you haven’t actually read American Psycho.

Otherwise you wouldn’t be adding both redundant and poorly chosen adjectives.

You are just comparing me to the aesthetics and tastes of Christian Bale in the movie. Whilst flattering, neither I nor he can keep up that body fat level for anything other than a brief period of time.
Ah it’s telling you haven’t actually read American Psycho.

Otherwise you wouldn’t be adding both redundant and poorly chosen adjectives.

You are just comparing me to the aesthetics and tastes of Christian Bale in the movie. Whilst flattering, neither I nor he can keep up that body fat level for anything other than a brief period of time.
American Psycho wasn't an instruction booklet, and from what you just told me you're definitely overpriced.
we're spartacus - Institutional racism in the NHS too.

The committee's report was compiled following two days of interviews with medical specialists, charities, experts and government ministers.

It says a shortage of staff in maternity care is the biggest concern. But women belonging to ethnic minorities also feel they are not listened to or understood during pregnancy and childbirth. And the report stresses the government and NHS have underestimated racism's key role in creating inequalities in care.

Ms Awe from Five X More told the committee more than 42% of women surveyed by the charity had felt discriminated against during their maternity care
When the British police look like this (they look dirty, unshaven etc). How can you respect them? :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
You're really desperate for something to bash the police over.

The first guy looks like it's either shadow, or you know, the "5 o clock shadow" you can get hours after a shave, the second guyI hate to break it to you, but we used to have officers with mutton chops, taches and even beards! back in the good olde days when everyone respected the police and you tipped your hat as the officer walked past.
Is he one of these auditers that walks around filming police,
- if anything police aren't as physically fit now/obesity, but maybe you don't need to run after perps these days.
more institutional racism in labour, Suella Braveman has competition.

In a letter to the newspaper, Abbott took issue with its thesis – based on a survey that found high numbers of Irish, Jewish and Traveller people had reported suffering from racism. The former shadow home secretary wrote that “they undoubtedly experience prejudice”, but added: “This is similar to racism and the two words are often used as if they are interchangeable.”

Abbott continued: “It is true that many types of white people with points of difference, such as redheads, can experience this prejudice. But they are not all their lives subject to racism.”

She said Irish people, Jewish people and Travellers were not required in pre-civil rights America to sit at the back of buses, were able to vote in apartheid South Africa and were not trafficked or placed into manacles on slave ships
It baffles me how people like Abbott attack Jewish and Irish people when they were the backbone of Labour.

I sometimes wonder whose side Abbott would have been on during the battle of Cable Street against Mosleys blackshirt march.
It baffles me how people like Abbott attack Jewish and Irish people when they were the backbone of Labour.

I sometimes wonder whose side Abbott would have been on during the battle of Cable Street against Mosleys blackshirt march.

Its hardly an attack is it?

Did you get that line from one of your faceache groups? We know what side most of her enemies would be on dont we. Mosleys.

We know what side this bunch of Tories would be on dont we.

Anyway what has this got to do with the lack of respect for the police? If it was everytime a politician said something others called racist this whole thread would be about the Tories and UKIP.
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