This is why people are losing respect for the police...

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Its hardly an attack is it?

Did you get that line from one of your faceache groups? We know what side most of her enemies would be on dont we. Mosleys.

We know what side this bunch of Tories would be on dont we.

Anyway what has this got to do with the lack of respect for the police? If it was everytime a politician said something others called racist this whole thread would be about the Tories and UKIP.
Make you're mind up, first you down play it, and then at the end rightfully call it racist.

I was commenting on the previous post.
I went to a talk last night by an ex-undercover officer(Christian Plowman) who worked his way up the ranks in the Met during the 90s and 00s
But one interesting fact he said was that back in his day they did 40 weeks of training whereas now they only do a few hours online and then put into uniform. Shocking.
One other thing they don't mention when they talk about their recruiting drive is the attrition while they do it.

If you start with 100k police officers (random figure don't know the actual number) and you recruit 20k it's reasonable for the public to assume you now have 120k. But officers are leaving in droves, from what I have read it's very common to have the most senior officer on a shift have only 5 years experience especially in less desirable areas.likd response. So how many of that 20k are new posts and how.many will be replacing officers who have left while the recruitment drive was on.

The other factor that is not well publicised is that it was not officers who were hardest hit in the austerity cuts, it was the backroom non police roles. So a lot of police officers time will being spent on admin duties rather than policing.

Both these will feed into the poor public reception of police officers. (And they will have had very low trust at the start in some communities due to historic actions).

My anecdotal experience has been crap. Mostly minor things, but very much we know best attitude and not doing a thorough job.
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I went to a talk last night by an ex-undercover officer(Christian Plowman) who worked his way up the ranks in the Met during the 90s and 00s
But one interesting fact he said was that back in his day they did 40 weeks of training whereas now they only do a few hours online and then put into uniform. Shocking.

Shocking that he, and others, actually believe this...

They don't have full police officers on the street after "a few hours online training"
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21k officers cut, thousands more support staff axed, hundreds of police stations closed and varying waves of retirees.

We now have 21k new officers, a larger population so proportionally numbers are still down and droves still retiring (think I saw a figure suggesting we would need >40k to address the problem as a whole).

When someone cuts my hand off, I'd be reminded to thank them for giving a couple of fingers back.
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21k officers cut, thousands more support staff axed, hundreds of police stations closed and varying waves of retirees.

We now have 21k new officers, a larger population so proportionally numbers are still down and droves still retiring (think I saw a figure suggesting we would need >40k to address the problem as a whole).

When someone cuts my hand off, I'd be reminded to thank them for giving a couple of fingers back.
Yeah high recruitment numbers are good for PR but if you want to actually make the situation better retain staff and bring back the support staff. Police will be higher paid than support staff and presumably there the ones who took over support staff duties, I can't think of a sensible reason support staff were cut.
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