I've eaten breakfast! Audio was total silence. I think you're right though it could be a while, unless he gets an early wake up call from the police!
It's so frustrating, they've got all these details from me. I have evidence this guy has had my phone since just a few hours after its theft and he is still in possession of it. I've given them a name, address, personal mobile number, photograph, description (just so it was added on the file if an officer called in and the operator doesn't have access to the photos) and they still are taking their time!
I'm genuinely surprised that even having been given an address they still haven't gone. The papers have been reporting on a huge string of burglaries in the area recently that exactly match the sound/type that we were victim too. The police were quoted as saying this is being given a high priority!!!
There are officers reported in the papers as saying burglaries are taking top priority!