This man knows who stole my phone, can anyone help

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[Damien];23658848 said:
If you can find out the mac address of the router (not the IP) then you can look it up on If someone's logged that access point while wardriving you'll be able to get a rough location on a map.

I've searched for Sohail but there's too many results and you can only filter by address in the US.

Thanks! I've been scanning facebook as well. Not sure I can get the mac address, I'm just hoping he uses it regularly and I can get a list of numbers/text messages that might be of use to identifying him!

I'll never disable the gps on a phone again though!!
Exactly what I was thinking too. Hadn't wanted to root my new Note 2, but after reading this, will be rooting away and then adding Cerberus on.

If the Note 2 has the same functionality as the Note 1, it actually has a lot of this stuff built-in (I'm assuming because it's a more business targeted device).

Was one of the first things I set up on my Note when I got it - all under security :)
Can you elaborate on this a bit more as it seems a bit dubious...

You are saying you snapped this picture using the remote app you are using to monitor?

It's clearly not the person who stole the phone, so what was he doing? Holding it up to show this guy or take a picture of him himself and you just took the photo during monitoring?

Although somebody might know this guy, you want to be very careful how you tread with an internet campaign to find your phone, especially if you go posting on 4Chan. You may well be looking at a guy here who is totally innocent and could end up defaming him.

It did cross my mind that he could be innocent, hence the 'this man knows who stole my phone'. The 4chan was semi joking and more in relation to the phone number of the sim card that was inserted into the phone very shortly after it was stolen so I can be fairly sure that does belong to the thief! I was a bit frustrated at the time so the thought of loads of internet random people pestering was a little amusing!

If I don't see it online again for a few days I'll probably just call him at some point and tell him I'd like my phone back!
But battery life on modern smart phones with GPS on permanently would not get through a day.

not true, GPS is an on demand service afaik, it only starts working when needed (i.e. location services/google maps etc) - you see when it is working as it has an icon on the notification bar.

I leave mine on permanently and have no problem getting 36hours consistently out of my Note 1..

OP, hope you manage to get somewhere with this - cerberus is a great bit of kit, I've got it installed so that it will stay on the phone, even if it's wiped :)
Love these kind of threads - although sorry for your loss in tech :(

Cereus or whatever its called work on the iPhone too?
If I were you I'd phone him saying that you found a wallet with his number on a bit of paper inside with £120, then ring him while he's standing in front of you to see if he pulls it out. (also get a friend to keep an eye on the phone image)

Could turn bad but your phone would most likely come with him.
If I were you I'd phone him saying that you found a wallet with his number on a bit of paper inside with £120, then ring him while he's standing in front of you to see if he pulls it out. (also get a friend to keep an eye on the phone image)

Could turn bad but your phone would most likely come with him.

I like that plan a lot could make for some fun times, mae sure to arrange the meet for the pub next door to the local police station.
I've missed something here.
Why can't you remotely turn on the GPS like I can with Samsung Dive?

Upon reading this thread i've just installed cerberus on my S2. But to be able to turn GPS on remotely, you need to have rooted the device.

I've spent all morning looking into rooting mine, but not terribly confident, so won't.

Incidentally, OP, is email setup on your phone?
If so, and if the teaf checks it, then he'll see the emails sent from cerberus with his mate's ugly mug on. That might give the game away.
Incidentally, OP, is email setup on your phone?
If so, and if the teaf checks it, then he'll see the emails sent from cerberus with his mate's ugly mug on. That might give the game away.

He said he's changed all his passwords.

The 2.99 EUR license for Cerberus, could that potentially be paid for IF the device was stolen or do you have to enter a code into the actual app rather than just the web-based area?
Once I started getting data from the phone, especially the photo I called back and they had the officer who attended call me. He asked me to email everything I had to him and he'd pass it onto the burglary unit in the morning. He confirmed by email receiving it and that someone else would be in touch today.

So far pretty good service! They were at the house about 5 minutes after we called (non emergency number!) and feels like they have been fairly honest about what we can expect to happen.

There is a current 'drive' on burglary in South Yorkshire at the moment;
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