This man knows who stole my phone, can anyone help

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I can't see anywhere in cerberus that allows you to change your passwords on mail accounts on the phone. If he did that then that would surely alert the tealeaf.

I changed the password on the mail account itself so the one on the phone would be wrong. This of course would tip them off that I had noticed the theft but not that I necessarily still had some ability to access the phone.
It's similar but it's still a slightly different scenario. Once the phone is in private property and the "emergency" factor has died down it becomes a different matter and needs to be approached differently.

So you are saying he'll never leave the house with his newly acquired 'mobile' phone? Emergency or not they have less evidence there and they've made an effort, I'm sure they'll do something about this situation. A result is a result.

I haven't lost faith that the OP could still get it back.
So you are saying he'll never leave the house with his newly acquired 'mobile' phone? Emergency or not they have less evidence there and they've made an effort, I'm sure they'll do something about this situation. A result is a result.

I haven't lost faith that the OP could still get it back.

They don't have less evidence there. They have a perfectly matching description of the thieves. In an emergency dispatch a good description is all that is needed.

What I'm saying is the Police won't go knocking down doors anytime soon, and I'm not saying they won't. But if the OP wants to do a stake-out and call the cops once the phone is in public and he has a description he can do that.

I haven't lost faith either. :)
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Cerberus is a few £ for life and allows up to 5 devices to be added to an account. If you're rooted then the app can be hidden away as a system app (if not roote then it can simply be hidden from the app drawer) and the thief won't be able to disable GPS either.
Cerberus is a few £ for life and allows up to 5 devices to be added to an account. If you're rooted then the app can be hidden and the thief won't be able to disable GPS either.

Also if they managed to factory reset your phone, Cerberus will remain in the system partition :)

I've tried to skim read the thread but there's a lot of misinformation about rooting and what Cerberus can and can't do :o

It was my attempt at humor. There have been a few people in this thread have mentioned they've purchased this software because of it.

What would you say in this thread is misinformed?
They don't have less evidence there. They have a perfectly matching description of the thieves. In an emergency dispatch a good description is all that is needed.

What I'm saying is the Police won't go knocking down doors anytime soon, and I'm not saying they won't. But if the OP wants to do a stake-out and call the cops once the phone is in public and he has a description he can do that.

I haven't lost faith either. :)

I see your point :) Good luck to the OP!
Chances are that the person who is now in possession of your phone isn't the person that stole it.
So in the extremely unlikely event you recover the phone the worst that they can be charged with is handling stolen goods, also even if it is the rascal that nicked it due to the lack of other evidence they can simply say they bought it off dodgy 'dave' down the pub so again handling stolen goods!

Good luck recovering your phone, personally I wouldn't waste my time, chances of recovery are slim to none!
Sorry, Like I said I just skim read it so I missed any sarcasm :p

Most of it has been covered anyway, such as the gps battery usage, android restrictions and rooting.

This thread is just another reason to root! ;)

No worries! I definitely agree with the need to root! I didn't mean to suggest that gps on a phone operating normally would run down excessively quickly, just that mine was having a problem and for some it kept trying to find it's location. This caused loads of wakelocks and my phone never entered deep sleep. GPS off was a lazy fix whilst I looked for a better solution.
Chances are that the person who is now in possession of your phone isn't the person that stole it.
So in the extremely unlikely event you recover the phone the worst that they can be charged with is handling stolen goods, also even if it is the rascal that nicked it due to the lack of other evidence they can simply say they bought it off dodgy 'dave' down the pub so again handling stolen goods!

Good luck recovering your phone, personally I wouldn't waste my time, chances of recovery are slim to none!

^ I think we found the guy who stole your phone :p
I changed the password on the mail account itself so the one on the phone would be wrong. This of course would tip them off that I had noticed the theft but not that I necessarily still had some ability to access the phone.

I'm sure I read somewhere that Cerberus uses the Android location services, and by doing that means that the phone cannot access the location services (as it doesn't have a valid Google account anymore). It's also entirely possible that I misunderstood what was being said, or the person writing what I wrote misunderstood and then confused me!

This thread is just another reason to root! ;)

Not really.. it being rooted means you can just plug it into ABD and do what you want with it. All personal information will be there and open.

EDIT: OP - Not trolling, but how did they manage to take your phone? Mine isn't ever very far away - and isn't left in the house if I'm out.
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