Thanks for that mate
(and sorry for butting in again on the thread here)
I see that board your quoting is an MSi, hmmm, well, since my last build which I still currently have here, (see my profile "about me"), I have an MSi x58 platinum, it was a nightmare from the start, instantly noticed the northbridge copper heatsink wasnt firmly enought fitted with thise daft push in pins, had to get proper nuts and bolts to bolt it down, and then after that the so called "simple to overclock" board wasnt so simple, well at the time from someone who was a little novice at clocking it was very very difficult, but in the end it was a good learning curve I guess, lol, thats about the only good thing I have to say about MSi and I swore blind that next time I never touch MSi for anything, very poor quality, very difficult overclocking for someone just starting out and very poor customer service based in china or something like that, was not happy at all
And @ Axer, thats a horror story mate, one that I have heard a couple of times with liquid cooling and has made me a bit scared to be honest thinking about the liquid cooling side of things, hmmmm, at the same time though, I'm thinking, surely out of the hundreds of thousands of these things sold then there must only be one in every so many 1000 that leak ? otherwise the companies would not have any buyers, its making me think twice and sweat about the corsair H100 now (i know it isnt the H100 you bought, but still), lol, and the silver arrow as far as I'm reading isnt ideal either as it will probably hog 1 or 2 Ram bays, hmmm, that doesnt sound too good either.
Another thing I think about is exactly how difficult is it to keep these coolers clean, silver arrow V H100 ? I know all too well that extra fans, radiators and pipes etc etc will cause more dust/dirt to get lodged in them, even with decent filters, but I will start a fresh thread about this and ask about the cleaning.
So I'm still left kind of mind boggled with what road to go down for about £550, lol, 2700k cpu, cooler, Ram and mobo.?