Tiger Style: Build log

I decided to treat myself with this build and bought a couple of new HD's.


I have heard some good reports about the new 32mb 7200.11's so I plumped for a pair to be used in Raid 0. I also hear these drives are quiet but I have my doubts they are as quiet as my current spinpoints but nonetheless I mounted them as I had previously done, using anti vibration rubber mounts which, if there is any, should cut down on any chatter the drives make.


I also have another drive nestled inbetween to use as a data drive. These hard drives were then mounted to a fan using MM's own hard drive rack which is a handy little bit of kit as this serves to keep them running nice and cool.

Tubing So this is where it starts to take shape now....finally!

I originally planned to use feser dye in the loop to get a nice orange glow to the tubes but the feser I used previously didn't turn out to be the orange I was looking for, more like murky green/brown if you ask me :


It may just have been a bad batch though as other feser products I have used have been fine. So reluctant to try another bottle the solution was to use XSPC orange tubing which glows nicely under UV. I would be using two loops though which meant I really needed (or rather wanted) to distinguish between the two loops. The only other colour I could really choose was black. So here they are :



Still got a lot of work to do yet but it's nice to see a little clolour in there at last.
I like the look of the fat tubing as thin tubing just looks 'wimpy' imo. But as we all know a Tiger has stripes so I used some primo coils to get the look I was after :


The orange Coils on the black Tygon looks awesome, unsure about the other but a nice contrast none-the-less.

Surprised you had issues with the Feser as well - never used it myself, as a nice blue Anti-Freeze provided a strong colour to the distilled water I used :D

Anyways, keep up the good work, you'll be a proper modder soon :p
To do list:


Fitment of 3870x2 EK block (this is a maybe atm) or a 2nd 3870x2.
Finish coiling of loops
Led's for the pumps
Cable tidy
Fitting of Radgrills / fan grills
Temp Gauges
Ram cooler mod
2 UV cathodes
Still not really happy with the cathodes in the shroud so something needs to be done with them.


Fitment of powdercoated front PA120.3 rad grill and 120mm grill
Sunbeam Rehbus led mod
Paint power/reset buttons or fitment of delrin Bulgin switches.
Final polish/wax of exterior.
Aye but I gotta finish the exterior (and interior) first;). Just got word the powdercoating will be done for monday.
Sunbeam rheobus LED Mod

Sadly my Scythe Karma meter gave up the ghost due to me asking too much of it. I needed to run 9 120mm fans off it and while it was ok for a couple of days it eventually gave up the ghost. Tbh I was a little gutted because its about the only black fan controller that has the capability to glow orange.

As a replacement I got the Sunbeam rheobus fan controller which while not being anywhere near as fancy as the Scythe it is renown for being one of the most powerfull controllers around so if this couldn't handle 9 fans nothing would. The Sunbeam has 20W per channel, of which there are four whereas the Scythe is only 7w per channel - so more than double the power.

The problem with the sunbeam is that at stock it looks a little cheap (it is tbh @ £14.99) and not only are the led's the wrong colour for my build they are also extremely bright!


So I set about taking it to bits to see what could be done.;)


Well its very basic inside apart from the huge heatsinks to cope with the power going through the rheobus and as luck would have it the LED's will pop straight out so are easily changeable. The problem being is that the LED's are dual type and sadly getting orange and another colour that don't clash is nigh on impossible. Heres what I figured out after a little testing which may help anyone who gives this simple mod a try.


As you look at it front side on the left prong is 0-7v, middle Gnd, and right 7-12v.
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So as I couldn't find any dual led's to my liking, I used 4 amber and 4 orange ones which were a pain to solder (need to connect the Ground terminal on both leds). I wired them up thus : 0-7v = Amber and 7-12v Orange, which brought the rheobus much more inline with the theme of this build.



Looks much nicer now and best of all I no longer burns my retinas when looking at the damn thing.

The Drive bay area is pretty much complete now, just need to sort the power/reset buttons :

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Its a very easy mod tbh. I guess if you want to make them dimmer you will need to solder a resistor on the existing led's. Failing that go out and buy some dual led's with a lower candesance.
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