Time to game

1 Dec 2006
Amsterdam, NL
As some of you are aware, when you get older, time gets more restrictive and your enthusiasm after a long days work to game can vary week to week.

My gf's brother asks me to play games with him a lot, he's Polish and lives with his parents in Poland. So time is tight enough as he's 12 and things like WoW can only be played to a certain time in his house hold (too right!).

I haven't played many games the last week or 2 due to stress at work, I simply get home, browse the net and then call it a night.

I'm only 27 (only...) but I'm wondering, will it get worse or is it just the norm that you just put gaming down as a hobby you do when you feel like it?

Don't get me wrong, once I'm engulfed in a game, I'm fully into it. Yesterday, tried Street fighter IV on hardest setting, made it 4 rounds, I was shouting and sweating in excitement and nerves! Damn good fun. I'm not a good gamer, but enjoy it.

Thoughts? When I was 18, it was a totally different ballgame, all I did was drink in bars or play games haha. Now, I'd rather mop the kitchen floor some days (seriously, I'm a clean freak).
I'm 24 and I tend to finish work and look forward to playing games. In reality, I get home and sit there listening to music.

Maybe try something that doesn't involve gaming? Get yourself a good book and start reading. I do and it's wonderful. Or try find yourself a TV drama / film to watch. The book option is the best though :)
Currently still a movie buff, try to watch at least 2 new films during the week evenings.
Yeah same really. Im 25 and its certainly an effort to find time and mental energy to play. It doesn't help that I'm extremely fussy when it comes to games and get bored easily.

However, I just purchased an xbox one, and im enjoying playing that at the moment, although, it will no doubt wear off as the weeks go by.
I'm 24 and I tend to finish work and look forward to playing games. In reality, I get home and sit there listening to music.

Maybe try something that doesn't involve gaming? Get yourself a good book and start reading. I do and it's wonderful. Or try find yourself a TV drama / film to watch. The book option is the best though :)


Also 24.

I've picked up reading again in the last year, i do play games from time to time though nowhere near as much as i did. I've recently read through the books that inspired the Witcher games. I agree with Spacedeck, can't knock a good book! Currently reading some history about the mongol empire which i will continue tonight.

Once every 5/6 weeks i book a day off work and play games, watch TV. Drink some gin whilst listening to some Rock & Roll. If you don't have time. Make time! My one day every 5/6 weeks does it for me. I call it, "Me day".
Wait until you have children. I game about 10 hours per month now. sometimes less. It changes the profile of the games you play a bit - I really don't like starting a 20 hour game, as it takes so long to even get to the halfway point (I've been playing Darksiders for about 6 weeks and am only 8 hours in - about 25% or so - and I'm starting to lose enthusiasm, even though it's actually pretty great)

Truthfully, I'm not sure I would actually want to spend much more of my spare time on games any more, even if I had the time. That feeling might change, though, if I suddenly had an awful lot of spare time.
34 here. Developing games is my day job so you know, I can pass off playing games as professional research :cool:

But really I don't get that much time, I have one evening a week scheduled for playing Destiny with people and otherwise I just get the odd hour here and there to pick up and play. I spend most of my free free time coding to keep my skills sharp.
28 here and I've been going through a lull with gaming, not played anything in about a week.

HAHA, a bit like AA here - Hi, I'm snips and I've not played for about a week :D
I think a lot of this is it's all been done already.

Sooooo many games out there and I don't see many (any) doing anything that others have not already done.

I guess therefore that Oculus will be the next big thing.
I'm 26 .. still love playing games maybe even more now then I ever did , but my time on them is getting less and less ... if I'm not playing football or working away which I do a lot , then I'll be watching a tv show with the other half , try to fit in a couple of hours if I can somewhere during the week though , but the problem is with me is I like all games , so I have a big library but not enough time to play them :( ... hopefully buying our 1st house soon though so once we've settled in and I've set up the games room/spare bedroom :D hopefully start finding more time !

That idea of booking a day off every 6 weeks is brilliant though , although I don't think I could do that as I'd get a long list of chores that needed doing haha
28 here, I go through stages where I'll game every night after work then I won't even touch a game for a few weeks.

Currently on with GTA5 and once that's finished i'll probably just end up having the odd round of CS:GO from time to time as nothing else is out until the end of the year that I want to play now.
34 here. Developing games is my day job so you know, I can pass off playing games as professional research :cool:

But really I don't get that much time, I have one evening a week scheduled for playing Destiny with people and otherwise I just get the odd hour here and there to pick up and play. I spend most of my free free time coding to keep my skills sharp.

Yeah, time will become much less once a kid has entered your life. Once my time comes, I will go from gaming a few hours to gaming once every other month :D this is when you get out the VITA or DS though :cool:

I think a lot of this is it's all been done already.

Sooooo many games out there and I don't see many (any) doing anything that others have not already done.

I guess therefore that Oculus will be the next big thing.

I tend agree with this. Nothing looks new and exciting anymore. Oculus will be a nice new toy to play around with, but I don't think it will grab you like gaming has over the years. You aren't going to wear one of these things for 8 hours straight.
As some of you are aware, when you get older, time gets more restrictive and your enthusiasm after a long days work to game can vary week to week.

My gf's brother asks me to play games with him a lot, he's Polish and lives with his parents in Poland. So time is tight enough as he's 12 and things like WoW can only be played to a certain time in his house hold (too right!).

I haven't played many games the last week or 2 due to stress at work, I simply get home, browse the net and then call it a night.

I'm only 27 (only...) but I'm wondering, will it get worse or is it just the norm that you just put gaming down as a hobby you do when you feel like it?

Don't get me wrong, once I'm engulfed in a game, I'm fully into it. Yesterday, tried Street fighter IV on hardest setting, made it 4 rounds, I was shouting and sweating in excitement and nerves! Damn good fun. I'm not a good gamer, but enjoy it.

Thoughts? When I was 18, it was a totally different ballgame, all I did was drink in bars or play games haha. Now, I'd rather mop the kitchen floor some days (seriously, I'm a clean freak).

Age + responsibility = less time to game as you did in your younger, care-free days. I went through a phase of being a PC upgrading and gaming nut before my life changed and more emphasis was put on socialising and staying out of my bedroom, but some years later I find I have got back into it as I have settled into a more stable life routine, and now dip in and out of it as I please.

Just relax and game as and when you want, it shouldn't be something that needs too much thinking or stressing about in order to enjoy it. Lifestyles and habits change, it's also a good thing. :)
My other half's brother is in his early 50s, owns every console going and manages to game about 20 hours a week whilst running a successful business from home.

I am the green eyed monster.
28, married 2 kids. Work full time.

I manage to get on the PC most evenings, sometimes for gaming, most of the time at the moment is just chilling out watching films or music.

Recently I haven't been on that much, found a new interest in reading Game of Thrones which is pretty large so have been chilling on the sofa doing that and enjoying it.

Once the kids are asleep the wife is more than happy with my hobby, she knows it keeps me out of trouble.
Just turned 38 :o

I still enjoy gaming but don't get much time to do it. I also get bored quite easily. I have tons of games i've not played yet. I've still not even started CoDAW and i bought that at launch! I potter about on GTAV regularly, but even then, i'm only on level 45 online, i mainly just mess on in free roam and occasionally i'll do a stint of missions, i don't even bother with races because everyone is much faster than me, and i always get the car crossing my path and making me crash and end up upside down - even if i'm in last place lol.

For example though, i'll finish work tonight with every intention of having an hour or so on GTA, but in reality, i'll get home and just watch youtube documentaries etc.
My other half's brother is in his early 50s, owns every console going and manages to game about 20 hours a week whilst running a successful business from home.

I am the green eyed monster.

A successful home business is good, but not sure I would want to be spending half of every working week on a console when I'm 50...
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