Time to game

I don't play anywhere near as much as I'd like, I'm the sort of person that can't just dip in and have an hour at it, I have to be on it all night or I won't bother. I'm often too tired, hungry and stressed out when I get home to fire up a game, I just tend to veg out not really doing anything just letting my brain recover from the day.

Had a very long period out of work due to ill health in the past few years and the freedom to do what you like when you like was awesome, now I have little time to do anything.

This is similar to my own attitude. It seems I go through spells where I want my entertainment fix to be more passive, so will binge watch a tv show or go movie daft. But sooner or later I will get the urge and will maybe play a game or 2 for a few weeks and then hit a gaming lull again. TBH, considering the amount of time I actually spend gaming these days, it is utterly ridiculous the money I spend on hardware. Need to knock it on head for a while, but I just know when Pascal or something else shiny is released I will be tempted.
Having kids and moving in with the in-law killed it for me.

Back in my 20's an early 30's I'd game 6 to 8 hours a night on average (mostly Quake :)). We moved in temporarily with the in-law between houses. Then immediately had our first child. After several years of never playing games I found I couldn't enjoy it anymore. I rarely play anything now although every year of so I get addicted for a few weeks before getting bored again.

I genuinely miss it and look back on my gaming years with a lot of fondness. But I simply don't have the attention span now.
Having kids and moving in with the in-law killed it for me.

Back in my 20's an early 30's I'd game 6 to 8 hours a night on average (mostly Quake :)). We moved in temporarily with the in-law between houses. Then immediately had our first child. After several years of never playing games I found I couldn't enjoy it anymore. I rarely play anything now although every year of so I get addicted for a few weeks before getting bored again.

I genuinely miss it and look back on my gaming years with a lot of fondness. But I simply don't have the attention span now.

You were in [RV] if I remember correctly? Sounds like your life went in a similar direction to mine. I also lived with the in-laws for a while between moves.

We should have a Q2 1v1 some time and marvel at our now slug-like reflexes and desire to get to bed at a reasonable time :)
32 and go through spells of playing games throughout the year, I find it a seasonal hobby where most of my game time is during the winter when it's wet and cold outside. I find during the warmer and lighter months I'm doing DIY or going out in the evenings after work.

Totally agree though, the older I get the less I play. When I was a teen or in my early 20s I could burn away a whole day playing games with no worry in the world, or dishes to wash up! :(
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A successful home business is good, but not sure I would want to be spending half of every working week on a console when I'm 50...

Agree, 20 hours a week is a fair chunk. If I managed to play for 10 hours a week, I'd feel like I'd got a fair amount of time. 20 hours is a bit... Extreme. I'm out the door at half 7. In the door at half 6, dishes done, dinner made by half 7, sometimes 8. Finish around half past, maybe 9pm. then an hour or so gaming if I fancy it.

We should revisit these statements when Fallout 4 is released. :D
You were in [RV] if I remember correctly? Sounds like your life went in a similar direction to mine. I also lived with the in-laws for a while between moves.

We should have a Q2 1v1 some time and marvel at our now slug-like reflexes and desire to get to bed at a reasonable time :)

Yep [RV] and so true about slug like reflexes now :)

One day I'll bring my railgun out of retirement although I was never very good at 1v1. I specialised more in CTF base defense.
Same here, I'm 44 and now hitting 30 to 40 hours a week. Mind you I'm now separated so having no-one to stop me doesn't help.

EDIT: If you go too your Steam profile and check recent activity it gives you the time you've spent in game over the last two weeks. Mine currently say's 98.3 hours.

I'm sorry to hear that man... I can only suggest you also get some other hobbies because spending almost a full working week gaming is possibly not a healthy thing. Not meaning to be judgemental or negative, but you have to admit it's a lot for someone your age.

We should revisit these statements when Fallout 4 is released. :D

My job and social life will thankfully limit that! Plus I have a backlog of games to finish as it is... :(
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36 here and still maintaining global elite on csgo. My aim seems at its peak right now. I have two small businesses but both are from home. Probably game about 1 hour a day. Never adventure games though just MP. I need to be able to just have a quick blast and then get back to it. I'd say I enjoy my game time more then ever. The less I spend doing it the more I love it when I get on.
It helps having lots of other hobbies. It keeps gaming fresh and interesting and so I play a decent amount these days (maybe 3-4 hours a week).
47, two kids under 5 and a demanding job and no family support nearby. Gaming is "my" time, I try and get an hour or so each day to sit down and game without someone tugging at me to do something. I watch very little tv, wouldn't be able to name a song in the top 1000 right now and haven't watched a full movie in one go for over 5 years, so gaming is it.

The funny thing is that I can now afford the best hardware (I bought an ASUS G751 last year) and software and I have never had so many games available (and loaded onto my computer) but I have no time. When I had time, I had a lot less money, and therefore compromised on what I could play. That's life I guess!
Whilst on this topic... What I want, more than anything with regards to gaming at the moment is a solid 8-12 hours on my own.

I've got The Last of Us Remastered still celophane wrapped, and I'm itching to play through it all again but I don't want to compromise on the attention I can give it.

Spent a year building a decent AV setup, reclining couches, fridge within 5 steps from the couch and no time to rock it properly. First world gaming problems yo.
The funny thing is that I can now afford the best hardware (I bought an ASUS G751 last year) and software and I have never had so many games available (and loaded onto my computer) but I have no time. When I had time, I had a lot less money, and therefore compromised on what I could play. That's life I guess!

Yep...that little irony hasn't been lost on me either. The most absorbed and lost I ever been in a video game was when I by chance happened to load up a Gothic 1 CD that I got from my mate, one summer back in early 2000s, I was hooked pretty much instantly.

Considering that the game was released with a 25 FPS lock, and I had all graphics set to low, and view distance at 80% (It went as high as 300%), with the game still running like horse*faeces*, it perhaps was not surprising that I fell for the 'Old camp is under the bridge' routine, from the Old Camp Guard standing at the bridge......with the towers of the Old Camp looming behind him (I couldn't bloody see them).

So yeah, the most immersive gaming experience of my life, and I was playing on Ultra LOW, at about 15-20 fps. Would find that impossible to play these days. I would have literally creamed my pants back then, at the prospect of owning the gaming tech that I have today, as back then is when I really would have gotten the most out of it.
27 here, I only play one game (CS:GO), with a tiny bit of insurgency lately.

Most work evenings, when not seeing the GF, I look forward to nothing more than either going home and playing games into the evening, or playing with my vaping kit (coiling/juice making).

My friends and I LAN every few weekends and have atleast 2/3 of us on during most week nights, it's kind of our equivalent of going down the pub, we've all been friends for 10-15 years for some of us and have always been avidly into online gaming/LAN, it's a lot less than it used to be as we progress with our careers/gf's/kids etc, but I can't see it dying anytime soon.
I'm 29 and spend on average 10 hours a week gaming.
I work silly kinds of hours and finish late so I have two choices on what I can do.
1) I could go out and spend a fortune each night getting smashed like a lot of the people I work with do or
2) I can come home put on a game, movie or sit back with a book.

I spent 6 years doing number 1 so coming home and having time to myself is great.

I used to upgrade my pc all the time but never had time to play it

Even though its taken me 2 years I finally have a decent pc that I'm happy with and I'm not inclined to rush out and buy the latest hardware like I used but I do end up gaming more than I used to.
When was the last time someone did an all nighter in a game?

I can't remember! I think WoW was the last game I did it with though.
When was the last time someone did an all nighter in a game?

I can't remember! I think WoW was the last game I did it with though.

Don't think I've ever done an all-nighter. I remember making it to about 4:15am once in Quake 2....probably late 1998 :)
Long time ago.

Game wise, it would have been quake 2, but even then it never went beyond 3/4am:)

Gaming fits now in that space where there's nothing better to do... That could well be all day on a Sunday, or just 30 minutes in between work/home/gym.

Whatever the age or how old I get, gaming will be there in some form or another.. VR has me stoked for the future, still happy to whack away on the classics, mame ect ect
I'm 30 in a few months, as my gaming over the past few years has been on a steady decline. I still manage to get some time in, but no where near as much as I used to. I find I have too much to do outside of work, that I don't want to sit in front of a screen much longer than I need to now.

Shame as I still really love gaming when I get into a game.
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