Not an invention, but I'd go back to the times of the early pioneers of chemistry, and tell them that lead, mercury, radiation etc are actually quite bad.
I think Curie and Lavoisier would be quite open minded and receptive to a guy in jeans and a beer t-shirt, showing them Wikipedia screenshots on a Galaxy S9. [..]
That last part is a good idea - who you appeared to would make a big difference. I think the Curies(*) and scientists in general would freak out but be willing to accept evidence. A handheld computer would do the trick as evidence that you weren't just insane and maybe your wild tales of being from the future were worth considering as a possible explanation of the evidence.
But I wouldn't do it. Partly because I think it wouldn't be fair to the scientists ("Hi, there's this future in which loads more stuff is known and yeah, sorry, I can't answer any of your questions because I'm not a scientist in your field, kthxbye") and partly because of the same reason I wouldn't change anything in the past - I wouldn't assume I was wise enough to know all of the effects of my interference.
* 4 members of the Curie family were Nobel Prize winning scientists.